Donald Trump on Facebook: A great article to share . . .
A great article to share with family & friends over Thanksgiving dinner tonight. I am thankful to all of my supporters out there! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
26 Nov, 2015
A great article to share with family & friends over Thanksgiving dinner tonight. I am thankful to all of my supporters out there! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
26 Nov, 2015
Happy Thanksgiving to all. Have a great day and look forward to the future. We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
25 Nov, 2015
25 Nov, 2015
Thank you for all of your support America! Results like these show that the media will not determine who our next President of the United States will be! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
25 Nov, 2015
From South Carolina last night- this is what I call a real supporter! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
24 Nov, 2015
THANK YOU for your support this evening Myrtle Beach, South Carolina! My family and I had a fabulous time with you this evening. Together we will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
24 Nov, 2015
A fun time with a great crowd of 14,000 in Ohio last night. They know who will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! I am now on the way to South Carolina for another special evening. Lots to discuss!
24 Nov, 2015
Brad Paisley came up to see me. A really nice and talented guy.
24 Nov, 2015
Hillary Clinton is weak on illegal immigration, among many other things. She is strong on corruption – corruption is what she’s best at!
23 Nov, 2015
Via Washington Post 9/18/01. I want an apology! Many people have tweeted that I am right! See full article-
23 Nov, 2015
Hillary, there is nothing to laugh about.
22 Nov, 2015
Thank you for all of your support America! I will NOT let you down. Together we can #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
22 Nov, 2015
13 Syrian refugees were caught trying to get into the U.S. through the Southern Border. How many made it? WE NEED THE WALL!
22 Nov, 2015
We better get tough with RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS, and get tough now, or the life and safety of our wonderful country will be in jeopardy!
22 Nov, 2015
Great poll numbers all over and beating Hillary Clinton one on one. Thank you!
21 Nov, 2015
Thank you to all law enforcement agencies for a fabulous job!
21 Nov, 2015
The legendary Barbara Walters interviewed my family(and me) last night on ABC 20/20. Watch the full episode here-
21 Nov, 2015
Hillary Clinton is weak on illegal immigration & totally incompetent as a manager and leader – no strength or stamina to be President of the United States of America!
20 Nov, 2015
My family has the honor of being interviewed for a full hour by the legendary Barbara Walters tonight at 10PM on ABC 20/20.
20 Nov, 2015
I didn’t suggest a database- a reporter did. We must defeat Islamic terrorism & have surveillance, including a watch list, to protect America
20 Nov, 2015
Under our President, ISIS is gaining great strength.
20 Nov, 2015
The American people will decide on our next President of the United States of America! Not the media – not special interests – not super PACs!
20 Nov, 2015
The media must immediately stop calling ISIS leaders “MASTERMINDS.” Call them instead thugs and losers. Young people must not go into ISIS!
19 Nov, 2015
A great evening in Iowa! We will #BuildTheWall & Mexico will pay for it!
19 Nov, 2015
I told you so! UnitedHealthcare issues warning. I will repeal #ObamaCare!
19 Nov, 2015
THANK YOU to the 10,500+ in Worcester, Massachusetts last night – and the overwhelming amount of support! We will Make America Great Again!
19 Nov, 2015
Eight Syrians were just caught on the southern border trying to get into the U.S. ISIS maybe? I told you so. WE NEED A BIG & BEAUTIFUL WALL!
18 Nov, 2015
Americans are tired of Washington, DC! Thank you for all of your support. We can & will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
18 Nov, 2015
Thank you for your support America! Together we can & will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! #Trump2016
18 Nov, 2015
An honor to have a significant lead in Florida – thank you for all of your support!
18 Nov, 2015
How does Ben Carson survive this problem – really big. Similar story on front page of New York Times.
18 Nov, 2015
I, along with almost everyone else, have so little confidence in President Obama. He has a horrible attitude-a man who is resigned to defeat.
17 Nov, 2015
As President of the United States, my top priority would be to keep America safe & strong! Thank you for your support.
17 Nov, 2015
The great Barbara Walters interviews Melania Trump and me on a Special Friday night at 10:00 on ABC News. Preview on ABC World News Tonight with David Muir at 6:30.
17 Nov, 2015
Refugees from Syria are now pouring into our great country. Who knows who they are – some could be ISIS. Is our president insane?
16 Nov, 2015
Just leaving Knoxville, TN — what a crowd, what amazing people! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
16 Nov, 2015
Discussing how I would handle ISIS – back in February 2015.
16 Nov, 2015
Wow, Macy’s shares are down more than 40% this year. I never knew my ties & shirts not being sold there would have such a big impact!
16 Nov, 2015
Discussing the Syrian refugees with Fox News. 10/3/2015 #TrojanHorse
16 Nov, 2015
Remember, I was the one who said attack the oil (ISIS source of wealth) a long time ago. Everyone scoffed, now they’re attacking the oil.
15 Nov, 2015
Glad to see that Ronda Rousey lost her championship fight last night. Was soundly beaten – not a nice person!
15 Nov, 2015
I have been saying this for years. NOBODY will be tougher on ISIS than me! Anderson Cooper Anderson Cooper 360 CNN – you should acknowledge this!
15 Nov, 2015
When will President Obama issue the words RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM? He can’t say it, and unless he will, the problem will not be solved!
14 Nov, 2015
Hillary and Sanders are not doing well, but what is the failed former Mayor of Baltimore doing on that stage? O’Malley is a clown.
14 Nov, 2015
Thank you for your support New Hampshire! #Trump2016
14 Nov, 2015
11/13/2015 President Obama states that ISIS is not gaining strength and they are contained. #BuildTheWall #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
14 Nov, 2015
President Obama said “ISIL continues to shrink” in an interview just hours before the horrible attack in Paris. He is just so bad! CHANGE. We need much tougher, much smarter leadership – and we...
13 Nov, 2015
My prayers are with the victims and hostages in the horrible Paris attacks. May God be with you all.