Donald Trump on Facebook: Bill Clinton wants to . . .
Bill Clinton wants to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
20 Oct, 2015
Bill Clinton wants to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
19 Oct, 2015
Jeb is fighting to defend a catastrophic event. I am fighting to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Jeb is too soft- we need tougher & sharper.
18 Oct, 2015
Jeb, why did your brother attack and destabalize the Middle East by attacking Iraq when there were no weapons of mass destruction? Bad info?
17 Oct, 2015
Hillary Clinton is on the front page of The New York Times waving to 200 people in New Hampshire. My crowd next door was 5,000 people – no pic!
16 Oct, 2015
#FlashbackFriday With my wonderful father Fred at my graduation from the Wharton School of Finance.
16 Oct, 2015
CNBC has just agreed that the debate will be TWO HOURS. Fantastic news for all, especially the millions of people who will be watching!
15 Oct, 2015
The GOP should not agree to the ridiculous debate terms that CNBC is asking unless there is a major benefit to the party. CNBC is pushing the GOP around by asking for extra time...
14 Oct, 2015
Incredible crowd in Richmond, Virginia tonight! So much spirit and energy! #makeamericagreatagain
14 Oct, 2015
The debate last night proved that Hillary is running against the “B” team. She won’t be so lucky when it comes to me!
14 Oct, 2015
We need a strong leader- and fast!
13 Oct, 2015
Check out OAN and compare to what you are watching now! #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
Wow, I am giving a speech on OAN. Much more exciting than debate! #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
Notice that illegal immigrants will be given ObamaCare and free college tuition but nothing has been mentioned about our VETERANS #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
Sanders said only black lives matter – wow! Hillary did not answer question! #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
This is not a great debate – a little sad! #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
Sorry, there is no STAR on the stage tonight! #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
Good move by Bernie S. #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
The hardest thing Clinton has to do is defend her bad decision making including Iraq vote, e-mails etc. #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
All are very scripted and rehearsed, two (at least) should not be on the stage. #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
Who is winning the debate so far (just last name)? #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
O’Malley, as former Mayor of Baltimore, has very little chance. #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
Can anyone imagine Chafee as president? No way. #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
The trade deal is a disaster, she was always for it! #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
Get rid of all of these commercials. #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
Putin is not feeling too nervous or scared. #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
We will all have fun and hopefully learn something tonight. I will shoot straight and call it as I see it, both the good and the bad. Enjoy! #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
Should be interesting but too bad the three guys at《1% will be taking up so much time – but who knows, maybe a star will be born (unlikely) #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
I will be hosting Saturday Night Live on November 7th. Looking forward to it!
13 Oct, 2015
How can Jeb Bush expect to deal with China, Russia and Iran if he gets caught doing a “plant” during my speech yesterday in NH?
13 Oct, 2015
At the request of many, and even though I expect it to be a very boring two hours, I will be covering the #DemDebate live on Facebook!
12 Oct, 2015
Watch my interview with Sean Hannity from earlier tonight-
11 Oct, 2015
President Obama was terrible on 60 Minutes tonight. He said CLIMATE CHANGE is the most important thing, not all of the current disasters!
10 Oct, 2015
Thank you Georgia! I had a great afternoon with all of you! I will be back soon. #MakeAmerciaGreatAgain
9 Oct, 2015
I will be going to Atlanta, Georgia tomorrow. Hope to see you there! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
8 Oct, 2015
Just leaving Las Vegas. Unbelievable crowd! Many Hispanics who love me and I love them!
8 Oct, 2015
Great, Kevin McCarthy drops out of SPEAKER race. We need a really smart and really tough person to take over this very important job!
8 Oct, 2015
I’m at Trump International Hotel Las Vegas, tallest/most beautiful building in town. Speaking to another great crowd at Treasure Island at 12PM.
8 Oct, 2015
Wacky Glenn Beck who always seems to be crying (worse than Boehner) speaks badly of me only because I refuse to do his show- a real nut job! I hear Glenn Beck is in...
7 Oct, 2015
Ben Carson was speaking in general terms as to what he would do if confronted with a gunman, and was not criticizing the victims. Not fair!
6 Oct, 2015
I will be on Special Report with Bret Baier tonight at 6PM.
5 Oct, 2015
So, so, so important – MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
4 Oct, 2015
I’m leading by big margins in every poll but the press keeps asking, would you ever get out? They are just troublemakers, I’m going to win!
3 Oct, 2015
Just leaving Nashville,Tennessee. Had a great time with a fabulous crowd of people! Love Nashville — back soon! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
2 Oct, 2015
Will be in Nashville, Tennessee, tomorrow (Saturday) at 2:30 P.M. So much to talk about – see you there!
1 Oct, 2015
My warmest condolences to the families of the horrible Roseburg, Oregon, shootings.
1 Oct, 2015
Behind the scenes of photoshoot.
30 Sep, 2015
Interesting, polls on who won the GOP debate.
30 Sep, 2015
With Willie Robertson, a great guy, at our 20,000 people event in Oklahoma last week.
29 Sep, 2015
Prediction: Rand Paul has been driven out of the race by my statements about him– he will announce soon. 1%!