Trump Tweet on 5/17/16 1:08: “In politics, and in . . .
“In politics, and in life, ignorance is not a virtue.” This is a primary reason that President Obama is the worst president in U.S. history!
17 May, 2016
“In politics, and in life, ignorance is not a virtue.” This is a primary reason that President Obama is the worst president in U.S. history!
16 May, 2016
The writer of the now proven false story in the @nytimes, Michael Barbaro, who was interviewed on CBS this morning, was unable to respond.
16 May, 2016
Over 50 women were interviewed by the @nytimes yet they only wrote about 6. That’s because there were so many positive statements.
16 May, 2016
No wonder the @nytimes is failing—who can believe what they write after the false, malicious & libelous story they did on me.
16 May, 2016
The failing @nytimes is greatly embarrassed by the totally dishonest story they did on my relationship with women.
16 May, 2016
Rowanne Brewer, the most prominently depicted woman in the failing @nytimes story yesterday joined @foxandfriends.
16 May, 2016
Thank you, Anthony @Scaramucci @WSJ “The Entrepreneur’s Case for Trump”
16 May, 2016
With the coming forward today of the woman central to the failing @nytimes hit piece on me, we have exposed the article as a fraud!
16 May, 2016
A political commentator for @cnn, which I no longer watch, said “Trump showed some weakness in the Repub Primaries.” I set all-time record!
16 May, 2016
Wow, Rowanne Brewer, the most prominently depicted woman in the failing @nytimes story yesterday, was on @foxandfriends saying Times lied
16 May, 2016
The @nytimes is so dishonest. Their hit piece cover story on me yesterday was just blown up by Rowanne Brewer, who said it was a lie!
16 May, 2016
That was an amazing interview on @foxandfriends – I hope the rest of the media picks it up to show how totally dishonest the @nytimes is!
16 May, 2016
Bernie Sanders is being treated very badly by the Dems. The system is rigged against him. He should run as an independent! Run Bernie, run.
16 May, 2016
Great new poll- thank you! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
16 May, 2016
The @washingtonpost report on potential VP candidates is wrong. Marco Rubio and most others mentioned are NOT under consideration.
15 May, 2016
Thank you Georgia! See you soon! #Trump2016
15 May, 2016
The media is really on a witch-hunt against me. False reporting, and plenty of it – but we will prevail!
15 May, 2016
Why did the failing @nytimes refuse to use any of the names given to them that I was so proud to have helped with their careers. DISHONEST!
15 May, 2016
Wow, I have had so many calls from high ranking people laughing at the stupidity of the failing @nytimes piece. Massive front page for that!
15 May, 2016
Why doesn’t the failing @nytimes write the real story on the Clintons and women? The media is TOTALLY dishonest!
15 May, 2016
“@TakingIt_Back: @nytimes keep shining….the ppl will not let the media dim your light…we no longer believe them! #Trump2016” Thanks.
15 May, 2016
“@tzard000: @realDonaldTrump @nytimes Everyone continues to pile onto Donald, but they can NEVER take away our votes!” Thank you!
15 May, 2016
Everyone is laughing at the @nytimes for the lame hit piece they did on me and women.I gave them many names of women I helped-refused to use
15 May, 2016
“@DistlerJoyce: @realDonaldTrump @nytimes OHIO WOMEN FOR TRUMP”
15 May, 2016
“@MrTohNey: Leicester & DonaldTrump seem to have the same trajectory, both were written off, but they keep scaling the heights. History?
15 May, 2016
“@QueenCharlotteO: @realDonaldTrump @nytimes I’m a women & I 100% support @realDonaldTrump & I have since the beginning. Thank you!
15 May, 2016
The failing @nytimes wrote yet another hit piece on me. All are impressed with how nicely I have treated women, they found nothing. A joke!
15 May, 2016
Thank you for the nice words this morning @KellyRiddell. Well delivered and totally logical! @CNN @FoxNews
15 May, 2016
“@stranahan: Sheldon Adelson Pledges $100 Million to Elect Trump President – Breitbart”
14 May, 2016
Wow, @CNN is really working hard to make me look as bad as possible. Very unprofessional. Hurting in ratings – bad television!
14 May, 2016
Great new poll- thank you!
14 May, 2016
If Crooked Hillary Clinton can’t close the deal on Crazy Bernie, how is she going to take on China, Russia, ISIS and all of the others?
13 May, 2016
An incredible honor to receive the endorsement of a person I have such tremendous respect for. Thank you, Sheldon!
13 May, 2016
.@thehill Your story about me & the carbon tax is absolutely incorrect—it is just the opposite. I will not support or endorse a carbon tax!
13 May, 2016
Senator Lindsey Graham called me yesterday, very much to my surprise, and we had a very interesting talk about national security, and more!
12 May, 2016
Great meeting with @SenateMajLdr Mitch McConnell and Republican leaders in D.C. #Trump2016
12 May, 2016
Great day in D.C. with @SpeakerRyan and Republican leadership. Things working out really well! #Trump2016
11 May, 2016
If it were up to goofy Elizabeth Warren, we’d have no jobs in America—she doesn’t have a clue.
11 May, 2016
In interview I told @AP that my taxes are under routine audit and I would release my tax returns when audit is complete, not after election!
11 May, 2016
Isn’t it funny when a failed Senator like goofy Elizabeth Warren can spend a whole day tweeting about Trump & gets nothing done in Senate?
11 May, 2016
Goofy Elizabeth Warren lied when she says I want to abolish the Federal Minimum Wage. See media—asking for increase!
11 May, 2016
Our Native American Senator, goofy Elizabeth Warren, couldn’t care less about the American worker…does nothing to help!
11 May, 2016
Goofy Elizabeth Warren is now using the woman’s card like her friend crooked Hillary. See her dumb tweet “when a woman stands up to you…â€
11 May, 2016
If the people of Massachusetts found out what an ineffective Senator goofy Elizabeth Warren has been, she would lose!
11 May, 2016
Thanks Piers.
11 May, 2016
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
11 May, 2016
RT @dmartosko: ‘Duck Dynasty’ star Phil Robertson says he’ll back Trump for president via @MailOnline
11 May, 2016
Goofy Elizabeth Warren didn’t have the guts to run for POTUS. Her phony Native American heritage stops that and VP cold.
11 May, 2016
Goofy Elizabeth Warren has been one of the least effective Senators in the entire U.S. Senate. She has done nothing!
11 May, 2016
I don’t want to hit Crazy Bernie Sanders too hard yet because I love watching what he is doing to Crooked Hillary. His time will come!