Trump Tweet on 5/7/16 2:44: Goofy Elizabeth Warren . . .
Goofy Elizabeth Warren and her phony Native American heritage are on a Twitter rant. She is too easy! I’m driving her nuts.
7 May, 2016
Goofy Elizabeth Warren and her phony Native American heritage are on a Twitter rant. She is too easy! I’m driving her nuts.
7 May, 2016
Goofy Elizabeth Warren is weak and ineffective. Does nothing. All talk, no action — maybe her Native American name?
7 May, 2016
Crooked Hillary Clinton wants completely open borders. Millions of Democrats will run from her over this and support me.
7 May, 2016
Just met with courageous family of Sarah Root in Nebraska. Sarah was horribly killed by illegal immigrant, but leaves behind amazing legacy.
6 May, 2016
Let’s properly check goofy Elizabeth Warren’s records to see if she is Native American. I say she’s a fraud!
6 May, 2016
Goofy Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton’s flunky, has a career that is totally based on a lie. She is not Native American.
6 May, 2016
I hope corrupt Hillary Clinton chooses goofy Elizabeth Warren as her running mate. I will defeat them both.
6 May, 2016
Response to @LindseyGrahamSC:
6 May, 2016
I hear @JoeNBC of rapidly fading @Morning_Joe is pushing hard for a third party candidate to run. This will guarantee a Crooked Hillary win.
6 May, 2016
Joe Scarborough initially endorsed Jeb Bush and Jeb crashed, then John Kasich and that didn’t work. Not much power or insight!
6 May, 2016
Thank you to teachers across America! When I become POTUS we will make education a far more important component of our life than it is now.
6 May, 2016
Crooked Hillary has ZERO leadership ability. As Bernie Sanders says, she has bad judgement. Constantly playing the women’s card – it is sad!
6 May, 2016
Paul Ryan said that I inherited something very special, the Republican Party. Wrong, I didn’t inherit it, I won it with millions of voters!
6 May, 2016
“@Ausbiz: Many would say that you are the only talented person running for the top job this time! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #TrumpTrain”
6 May, 2016
So many great endorsements yesterday, except for Paul Ryan! We must put America first and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
6 May, 2016
Governor Rick Perry said “Donald Trump is one of the most talented people running for the Presidency I’ve ever seen.” Thank you Rick!
6 May, 2016
Unlike crooked Hillary Clinton, who wants to destroy all miners, I want wages to go up in America. We will do so by bringing back jobs!
6 May, 2016
Thank you West Virginia. Let’s keep it going. Go out and vote on Tuesday – we will win big. #Trump2016
6 May, 2016
Can you believe Crooked Hillary said, “We are going to put a whole lot of coal miners&coal companies out of business.” She then apologized.
5 May, 2016
Join me tomorrow! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Omaha, Nebraska: Eugene, Oregon:
5 May, 2016
Bernie Sanders has been treated terribly by the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise. He should show them, & run as an Independent.
5 May, 2016
Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!
5 May, 2016
I will be interviewed by @BretBaier @SpecialReport at 6pm ET tonight @FoxNews
5 May, 2016
Many reports that I will be attending the Alvarez/Khan fight this weekend in Vegas. Totally untrue! Unfortunately I have other plans.
4 May, 2016
Join me in Charleston, WV – tomorrow!
4 May, 2016
I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 7:30 A.M. Enjoy!
4 May, 2016
I will be interviewed on @TODAYshow and Good Morning America at 7:00 A.M.
4 May, 2016
I will be interviewed on @Morning_Joe at 6:15 A.M. Enjoy!
4 May, 2016
I would rather run against Crooked Hillary Clinton than Bernie Sanders and that will happen because the books are cooked against Bernie!
4 May, 2016
What a great evening we had. So interesting that Sanders beat Crooked Hillary. The dysfunctional system is totally rigged against him!
4 May, 2016
.@oreillyfactor Please correct, I WON Virginia!
3 May, 2016
Thank you Indiana, we were just projected to be the winner. We have won in every category. You are very special people-I will never forget!
3 May, 2016
Thank you Indiana! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
3 May, 2016
Lyin’ Ted Cruz consistently said that he will, and must, win Indiana. If he doesn’t he should drop out of the race-stop wasting time & money
3 May, 2016
Wow, Lyin’ Ted Cruz really went wacko today. Made all sorts of crazy charges. Can’t function under pressure – not very presidential. Sad!
3 May, 2016
3 May, 2016
Polls close at 6pm! #INPrimary #Trump2016 #VoteTrump
3 May, 2016
Thank you America! #Trump2016
3 May, 2016
3 May, 2016
3 May, 2016
3 May, 2016
Thank you South Bend, Indiana! Everyone get out & #VoteTrump tomorrow! #INPrimary
3 May, 2016
RT @EricTrump: Wow! I am speechless! Thank you to my sidekick @LynnePatton who keeps me & the @EricTrumpFdn in line!…
2 May, 2016
Will be in South Bend, Indiana in a short while — big rally! See you soon!
2 May, 2016
Will be interviewed on @seanhannity tonight at 10pmE. Enjoy! #INPrimary
2 May, 2016
THANK YOU AMERICA! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
2 May, 2016
RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Donald Trump Jr. On The Record: Why Trump International Hotels And Residences Are Still Winning via @forbes https://t.c…
2 May, 2016
Thank you Carmel, Indiana! Get out & #VoteTrump tomorrow! #INPrimary #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
2 May, 2016
Honored to have received the endorsement of Lou Holtz – a great guy! #INPrimary #Trump2016
2 May, 2016
I will defeat Crooked Hillary Clinton on 11/8/2016. #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain