Trump Tweet on 3/19/16 1:54: RT @MarkHalperin: Utah . . .
RT @MarkHalperin: Utah Speaker of the House announces endorsement of @realDonaldTrump. Says @DonaldJTrumpJr played a big role
19 Mar, 2016
RT @MarkHalperin: Utah Speaker of the House announces endorsement of @realDonaldTrump. Says @DonaldJTrumpJr played a big role
19 Mar, 2016
Why haven’t they released the final Missouri victory for us yet? Could it be because Cruz’s guy runs Missouri?
19 Mar, 2016
I guess I have reached yet another “ceiling” – 49.7%, with four people. My highest Reuters poll yet! Thank you!
19 Mar, 2016
Do you believe that Hillary Clinton now wants Obamacare for illegal immigrants? She should spend more time taking care of our great Vets!
18 Mar, 2016
Everybody should boycott the @megynkelly show. Never worth watching. Always a hit on Trump! She is sick, & the most overrated person on tv.
18 Mar, 2016
Thank you Arizona- I love you! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
18 Mar, 2016
Join me tomorrow! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
18 Mar, 2016
Mitt Romney is a mixed up man who doesn’t have a clue. No wonder he lost!
18 Mar, 2016
Failed Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney was campaigning with John Kasich & Marco Rubio, and now he is endorsing Ted Cruz. 1/2
18 Mar, 2016
Failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney, the man who “choked” and let us all down, is now endorsing Lyin’ Ted Cruz. This is good for me!
18 Mar, 2016
Going to Salt Lake City, Utah, for a big rally. Lyin’ Ted Cruz should not be allowed to win there – Mormons don’t like LIARS! I beat Hillary
18 Mar, 2016
Club for Growth letter- trying to extort $1,000,000.00 from me. Remember, I said- NO!
18 Mar, 2016
Club For Growth tried to extort $1,000,000 from me. When I said NO, they went hostile with negative ads. Disgraceful!
18 Mar, 2016
With millions of dollars of negative and phony ads against me by the establishment, my numbers continue to go up. Can anyone explain this?
18 Mar, 2016
.@EWErickson got fired like a dog from RedState and now he is the one leading opposition against me.
18 Mar, 2016
Senator @LindseyGrahamSC made horrible statements about @SenTedCruz – and then he endorsed him. No wonder nobody trusts politicians!
18 Mar, 2016
Lyin’ Ted Cruz lost all five races on Tuesday-and he was just given the jinx – a Lindsey Graham endorsement. Also backed Jeb. Lindsey got 0!
18 Mar, 2016
Join us in Salt Lake City, Utah- tonight! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
18 Mar, 2016
Hillary Clinton has been involved in corruption for most of her professional life!
17 Mar, 2016
17 Mar, 2016
Who should star in a reboot of Liar Liar- Hillary Clinton or Ted Cruz? Let me know.
17 Mar, 2016
Highly overrated & crazy @megynkelly is always complaining about Trump and yet she devotes her shows to me. Focus on others Megyn!
17 Mar, 2016
Looking like my 5 victories on Tuesday will be just as good as if I won Ohio. Two more days and Ohio was mine!
17 Mar, 2016
See you in Arizona on Friday and Saturday.
17 Mar, 2016
Please explain to the dummies at the @WSJ Editorial Board that I love to debate and have won, according to Drudge etc., all 11 of them!
17 Mar, 2016
.@WSJ is bad at math. The good news is, nobody cares what they say in their editorials anymore, especially me!
17 Mar, 2016
.@WSJ Editorial says “Clinton primary vote total is 8,646,551.Trump’s is 7,533,692”-a knock. But she had only 3 opponents-I had 16.Apologize
17 Mar, 2016
The reason lyin’ Ted Cruz has lost so much of the evangelical vote is that they are very smart and just don’t tolerate liars-a big problem!
17 Mar, 2016
Crazy @megynkelly is now complaining that @oreillyfactor did not defend her against me – yet her bad show is a total hit piece on me.Tough!
17 Mar, 2016
Great news that @FoxNews has cancelled the additional debate. How many times can the same people ask the same question? I beat Cruz debating
17 Mar, 2016
Crazy @megynkelly supposedly had lyin’ Ted Cruz on her show last night. Ted is desperate and his lying is getting worse. Ted can’t win!
17 Mar, 2016
Stuart Stevens, the failed campaign manager of Mitt Romney’s historic loss, is now telling the Republican Party what to do with Trump. Sad!
16 Mar, 2016
I will be interviewed on The O’Reilly Factor this evening at 8 pm on the Fox News Channel. @oreillyfactor
16 Mar, 2016
Thank you, Missouri! #Trump2016
16 Mar, 2016
RT @JohnStossel: I can skate here ONLY b/c @realdonaldtrump fixed this rink after NYC gov’t spent $13M, but FAILED! Good for Trump! https:/…
16 Mar, 2016
I am making a big speech the night of the @FoxNews debate, but I wish everyone well. Yesterday was a big day for me with 5 wins!
16 Mar, 2016
Thank you to the Governor of Florida, Rick Scott, for your endorsement. I greatly appreciate your support!
16 Mar, 2016
In the last 2 weeks, I had $35M of negative ads against me in Florida & I won in a massive landslide.The establishment should save their $$!
16 Mar, 2016
Yesterday was amazing—5 victories. Lyin’ Ted Cruz had zero. Things are going very well!
16 Mar, 2016
Is this what we want for a President?
16 Mar, 2016
.@RepTomMarino Great job on television this morning. Glad to have you on my side!
16 Mar, 2016
“@FoxBusiness: .@RepTomMarino: I think @realDonaldTrump can beat HillaryClinton. And I’m looking forward to Trump being president.
16 Mar, 2016
.@pastormarkburns You were great last night and we all very much appreciate it! Thank you!
16 Mar, 2016
I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 8:30 A.M. ENJOY!
16 Mar, 2016
Will be interviewed on @Morning_Joe at 7:40. ENJOY!
16 Mar, 2016
Will be interviewed on @NewDay on @CNN at 7:15 A.M.
16 Mar, 2016
Will be interviewed on @GMA at 7:00 A.M. Big wins last night!
16 Mar, 2016
“@lucyric13835428: @realDonaldTrump @megynkelly That’s funny, I switched to other media too, can’t stand her”
16 Mar, 2016
“@MaryEH428: @RealBenCarson I thank God you are on board with @realDonaldTrump to help him and us #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Ty!!”