Trump Tweet on 3/16/16 3:16: Thank you Marco, I . . .
Thank you Marco, I agree!
16 Mar, 2016
Thank you Marco, I agree!
16 Mar, 2016
I only wish my wonderful daughter Tiffany could have been with us at Mar-a-Lago for our great election victory. She is a winner!
16 Mar, 2016
Thank you Illinois! #SuperTuesday #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
16 Mar, 2016
Thank you, North Carolina! #Trump2016 #SuperTuesday #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
16 Mar, 2016
Watching other networks and local news. Really good night! Crazy @megynkelly is unwatchable.
16 Mar, 2016
Can’t watch Crazy Megyn anymore. Talks about me at 43% but never mentions that there are four people in race. With two people, big & over!
16 Mar, 2016
Thank you, Northern Mariana Islands!#SuperTuesday #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
16 Mar, 2016
Thank you, Florida! #SuperTuesday #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
15 Mar, 2016
“@DumpFoxNews: @FoxNews @megynkelly If media wasn’t so biased against Trump, he would’ve won all of the delegates.
15 Mar, 2016
“@SCNAK45: @megynkelly is trying so hard to bash @realDonaldTrump it’s ridiculous” Don’t worry, everyone is wise to Crazy Megyn!
15 Mar, 2016
“@J_Styborski: @realDonaldTrump @gregens21 @BertShad @FoxNews @megynkelly Hayes is looking depressed as well.”
15 Mar, 2016
“@gregens21: @BertShad @FoxNews @megynkelly She’s choking on the results! Call her justifiable Kelly. Justifying everything she says.”
15 Mar, 2016
“@jsconlon11: @BertShad @Foxnews @megynkelly I tried to give them a shot tonight, but they have the whole anti Trump cheerleading team.”
15 Mar, 2016
“@BertShad: Was going to watch @Foxnews for the primary results but saw @megynkelly – looks like #CNN tonight”
15 Mar, 2016
Word is that, despite a record amount spent on negative and phony ads, I had a massive victory in Florida. Numbers out soon!
15 Mar, 2016
A lot of complaints from people saying my name is not on the ballot in various places in Florida? Hope this is false.
15 Mar, 2016
I will bring our jobs back to the U.S., and keep our companies from leaving. Nobody else can do it. Our economy will “sing” again.
15 Mar, 2016
In presidential voting so far, John Kasich is ZERO for 22. So why would he be a good candidate? Hillary would beat him, I will beat Hillary!
15 Mar, 2016
Ohio is losing jobs to Mexico, now losing Ford (and many others). Kasich is weak on illegal immigration. We need strong borders now!
15 Mar, 2016
Watching John Kasich being interviewed – acting so innocent and like such a nice guy. Remember him in second debate, until I put him down.
15 Mar, 2016
RT @EricTrump: Mathematically it is statistically impossible for Kasich to get to 1237 – he would need 112% of the remaining delegates to b…
15 Mar, 2016
#VoteTrump #SuperTuesday ✅Florida ✅Illinois ✅Missouri ✅North Carolina ✅Ohio #TrumpTrain
15 Mar, 2016
North Carolina lost 300,000 manufacturing jobs and Ohio lost 400,000 since 2000. Going to Mexico etc. NO MORE IF I WIN, WE WILL BRING BACK!
15 Mar, 2016
RT @EricTrump: Friends in #FL #OH #NC #IL & #MO we would be honored to have your #VOTE! #SuperTuesday #LetsDoThis #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #T…
15 Mar, 2016
Just in, big news- I have been declared the winner of the CNMI Rep Caucus with 72.8% of the vote! Thank you! #SuperTuesday #VoteTrump
15 Mar, 2016
Good morning Ohio! Some additional information from my daughter, @IvankaTrump! #VoteTrump #SuperTuesday
15 Mar, 2016
Don’t reward Mitt Romney, who let us all down in the last presidential race, by voting for Kasich (who voted for NAFTA, open borders etc.).
15 Mar, 2016
Please remember, I am the ONLY candidate who is self-funding his campaign. Kasich, Rubio and Cruz are all bought and paid for by lobbyists!
15 Mar, 2016
I will bring our jobs back to America, fix our military and take care of our vets, end Common Core and ObamaCare, protect 2nd A, build WALL
15 Mar, 2016
Rubio is weak on illegal immigration, with the worst voting record in the U.S. Senate in many years. He will never MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
15 Mar, 2016
Kasich voted for NAFTA, a disaster for Ohio, and now wants the even worse TPP approved. Vote Trump and end this madness!
15 Mar, 2016
“@mazzei48: @realDonaldTrump @BrazielCarol @FoxNews Listening to interview on replay of @A Savage Nation #GO DONALD TRUMP !!!!!” Thanks.
15 Mar, 2016
“@wh: WOW people are so misinformed on DonaldTrump character! Watch this video! Hillary and Bernie don’t come close
15 Mar, 2016
“@realwwshelton: @loudobbsnews I believe that @realDonaldTrump will be the big winner tomorrow.” Thank you!
15 Mar, 2016
“@BrazielCarol: @FoxNews @realDonaldTrump Who started this mess, the protesters of course . And media made it worse.”
15 Mar, 2016
Sadly, this kind of stuff even happened to Ronald Reagan. There is nothing nice about it! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
15 Mar, 2016
THANK YOU – Youngstown, Ohio! I love you! Get out & #VoteTrump tomorrow. #Trump2016
14 Mar, 2016
Gov Kasich voted for NAFTA, which devastated Ohio and is now pushing TPP hard- bad for American workers!
14 Mar, 2016
Kasich has helped decimate the coal and steel industries in Ohio. I will bring them back! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
14 Mar, 2016
Leaving the great people of North Carolina. Amazing event. Heading to Tampa now! #VoteTrump
14 Mar, 2016
Look forward to being in Tampa this afternoon. Wonderful crowds. Thank you, Florida!
14 Mar, 2016
We don’t have a country- if we don’t have borders. #VoteTrump Video:
14 Mar, 2016
Just received from @PeteRose_14. Thank you Pete! #VoteTrump on Tuesday Ohio! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
14 Mar, 2016
RT @RSBNetwork: LIVE Stream: Donald Trump about to speak in Boca Raton, FL. Protesters already before Trump speaks. #TrumpTrain https://t…
13 Mar, 2016
The failing @nytimes is truly one of the worst newspapers. They knowingly write lies and never even call to fact check. Really bad people!
13 Mar, 2016
Because Gov. Kasich cannot run in the state of Pennsylvania-he cannot win the nomination- & should not be allowed to compete in Ohio on Tue.
13 Mar, 2016
Carly Fiorina- I agree! Ted Cruz is just another politician. All talk- no action!
13 Mar, 2016
Thank you Kevin. With unification of the party, Republican wins will be massive!
13 Mar, 2016
Gov.Kasich of Ohio just stated on a morning show that he doesn’t watch politics or anything on television, he only watches the @GolfChannel