Donald Trump on Facebook: GOOD MORNING! Put me to . . .
GOOD MORNING! Put me to work for America- and I assure you that WE will MAKE AMERICA SAFE & GREAT AGAIN!
17 Feb, 2016
GOOD MORNING! Put me to work for America- and I assure you that WE will MAKE AMERICA SAFE & GREAT AGAIN!
17 Feb, 2016
Why does @megynkelly devote so much time on her shows to me, almost always negative? Without me her ratings would tank. Get a life Megyn!
17 Feb, 2016
“@debdew2: @brithume @megynkelly @DiamondandSilk FOX: TRUMP HATERS R SCARED BECAUSE THEY LOSE – TRUMP IS WINNING”
17 Feb, 2016
Thank you @kayleighmcenany for your nice words – great knowledge and style! We are doing really well in South Carolina. @CNN @donlemon
17 Feb, 2016
“@Good2bqueen67: @brithume @megynkelly They’re too lame to get it, Sir. When you win the election they’ll get it.”
17 Feb, 2016
.@brithume thinks that when Republicans drop out of the race, someone will pick up ALL of that vote. The fact is I will get much of it!
17 Feb, 2016
Explain to @brithume and @megynkelly, who know nothing, that I will beat Hillary and win states (and dem-indie votes) that no other R can!
16 Feb, 2016
Will be interviewed by @StephenAtHome tonight by phone- a late show first @CBS @colbertlateshow. Enjoy! #Colbert #LSSC
16 Feb, 2016
Thank you, South Carolina! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
16 Feb, 2016
Thank you to the 2,500+ in North Augusta, South Carolina. Lines down the block! Don’t forget to VOTE on Saturday!
16 Feb, 2016
realdonaldtrump is the first presidential candidate in 2016 to reach 1MM Instagram followers. Follow: for behind the scenes footage from the campaign trail! #TrumpTrain #Trump2016
16 Feb, 2016
Let me be clear””I am pro-life. I support that position with exceptions allowed for rape, incest or the life of the mother being at risk. I did not always hold this position, but I...
16 Feb, 2016
#TeamTrump is thinking of Captain Andrew Maitner. A true American hero. #MaitnerStrong
16 Feb, 2016
Just sat down for a great interview with @PHussionWYFF in Greenville today. Watch at 5pm. An amazing day in South Carolina! #VoteTrumpSC
16 Feb, 2016
Wow! A great new CNN poll just released. THANK YOU for your support, America! I am self funding my campaign, and want to work for you- to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
16 Feb, 2016
I met a special Veteran in Norfolk, Virginia last October- who is battling stage four cancer. Wanted him know that #TeamTrump is thinking of him. A true American hero. #MaitnerStrong
16 Feb, 2016
Thank you! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
16 Feb, 2016
New PPP Poll just out – Trump up big, Cruz, Rubio and Bush down. The debate results, even with a stacked RNC audience, were wonderful!
16 Feb, 2016
16 Feb, 2016
Spent the full day at meetings and a major rally yesterday in South Carolina. Great people and spirit. Today will be more of the same.
16 Feb, 2016
Good morning America! Just received post GOP debate poll numbers out of South Carolina. We have 4 days until the big day. Everyone needs to get out and VOTE. Together WE WILL MAKE AMERICA...
16 Feb, 2016
New South Carolina poll from PPP. Thank you! #VoteTrumpSC
16 Feb, 2016
What a night! 10,000 amazing supporters in Greenville, South Carolina! THANK YOU! VOTE on Saturday! #VoteTrumpSC
15 Feb, 2016
Thank you- Greenville, South Carolina! What a great evening! In 5 days, remember the significance of getting out to VOTE. I am running for POTUS- to work for you, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
15 Feb, 2016
Thank you for your continued support! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
15 Feb, 2016
15 Feb, 2016
It is an honor to receive an endorsement from prominent Texas Pastor Mike Murdock. Thank you! We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
15 Feb, 2016
JEB is a hypocrite! Used massive private “Eminent Domain” — Just another clueless politician!
15 Feb, 2016
I’d like to call JEB a liar, but the truth is he has no clue & never revealed that he used Eminent Domain- when criticizing me! (1/2)
15 Feb, 2016
Jeb used Eminent Domain & took advantage of a disabled vet in the process. (2/2)
15 Feb, 2016
So many amazing people have asked how to volunteer in South Carolina. To accommodate the requests, we just expanded our offices so that more people can join the movement! To get in contact with...
15 Feb, 2016
RESPONSE TO THE LIES OF SENATOR CRUZ: Ted Cruz is a totally unstable individual. He is the single biggest liar I’ve ever come across, in politics or otherwise, and I have seen some of...
15 Feb, 2016
Now that George Bush is campaigning for Jeb(!), is he fair game for questions about World Trade Center, Iraq War and eco collapse? Careful!
15 Feb, 2016
I will be in South Carolina all week. Saturday is BIG, BIG, BIG! Get out and vote – MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN
15 Feb, 2016
Now that George Bush is campaigning for Jeb(!), is he fair game for questions about World Trade Center, Iraq War and eco collapse? Careful!
15 Feb, 2016
Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz are not electable presidential candidates, Hillary would destroy them. Ted may not be eligible to run – born in Canada
15 Feb, 2016
Funny that Jeb(!) didn’t want help from his family in his failed campaign and didn’t even want to use his last name.Then mommy, now brother!
15 Feb, 2016
I will take on the tough issues that have been ignored by all talk no action politicians. We will solve illegal immigration and have a country where laws are followed and respected!
15 Feb, 2016
Good morning, America! Thank you for you unbelievable support. Great news! A new CBS poll asked #GOPDebate viewers- which candidate would do best at handling the economy & jobs? (results below) Get out &...
14 Feb, 2016
Ted Cruz, along with Jeb Bush, pushed Justice John Roberts onto the Supreme Court. Roberts could have killed ObamaCare twice, but didn’t!
14 Feb, 2016
Wow, in the new CBS Poll I went way up into the forties! Thank you!
14 Feb, 2016
Tickets for future debates should be put out to the general public instead of being given to the lobbyists & special interests – the bosses!
14 Feb, 2016
Loved the debate last night, and almost everyone said I won, but the RNC did a terrible job of ticket distrbution. All donors & special ints
14 Feb, 2016
Thank you for your support! TOGETHER we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
14 Feb, 2016
Tickets for future debates should be put out to the general public instead of being given to the lobbyists & special interests – the bosses! I only want to work for the American people...
14 Feb, 2016
I’ve been hearing about this for many years, and I know your track record is extraordinary, better than anybody’s! I will do my best to keep it intact. Thank you!
14 Feb, 2016
I will be on Face the Nation with John Dickerson on CBS this morning. Enjoy!
14 Feb, 2016
This shows what a complete & total liar Ted Cruz is- he said he wouldn’t have nominated John Roberts. Really?
14 Feb, 2016
“@autumnandews08: @realDonaldTrump @JebBush Jeb is incompetent and will lose, don’t waste your energy on that cry baby!”
14 Feb, 2016
Even though every poll, Time, Drudge etc., has me winning the debate by a lot, @FoxNews only puts negative people on. Biased – a total joke!