Donald Trump on Facebook: Great new poll from SC. . . .
Great new poll from SC. I will keep this country safe and together we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
14 Feb, 2016
Great new poll from SC. I will keep this country safe and together we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
14 Feb, 2016
“@jeffpaine: @realDonaldTrump you crushed the debate! Thank you!
14 Feb, 2016
GOOD MORNING, America! Thank you for all of your support- in last nights #GOPDebate. If everyone gets out to vote in 2016– there is no question that we will ALL be MAKING AMERICA GREAT...
14 Feb, 2016
#GOPDebate #GoogleTrends
14 Feb, 2016
Hey @glennbeck- see how I beat your boy Ted- in your own Blaze poll? Your endorsement means nothing! #GOPDebate
14 Feb, 2016
14 Feb, 2016
All polls have me winning debate big- Drudge, TIME, etc. Dopey Charles Krauthammer still nasty. He has zero cred- totally dishonest!
14 Feb, 2016
How can @JebBush beat Hillary Clinton- if he can’t beat anyone else on the #GOPDebate stage with $150M? I am the only one who can!
14 Feb, 2016
Thank you! I miss my father.
14 Feb, 2016
Lightweight @JebBush said tonight he didn’t know his family used private eminent domain in Texas- Lie! #GOPDebate
14 Feb, 2016
On the way to the #GOPDebate with my wonderful wife @MelaniaTrump.
14 Feb, 2016
Ted Cruz is a cheater! He holds the Bible high and then lies and misrepresents the facts!
14 Feb, 2016
Nasty Ted Cruz is at it again- same dirty tricks he used w/ @RealBenCarson- saying I may not be on ballot & I hold liberal positions. LIES!
14 Feb, 2016
Wow! Honored to be chosen by the highly respected + accurate Washington & Lee Mock Convention. I hope you are right – I will make you proud!
13 Feb, 2016
Politicians are all talk no action. We’ve seen where that leads. We’re $19 trillion in debt. We need a change. We need a big change. I am not going to be controlled by special...
13 Feb, 2016
I am self funding my campaign. Politicians are all talk and no action. That’s why people are supporting me! #GOPDebate
13 Feb, 2016
Fact: Ted Cruz wanted John Roberts to be the Chief Justice. That’s just a fact!
13 Feb, 2016
The totally unexpected loss of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is a massive setback for the Conservative movement and our COUNTRY!
13 Feb, 2016
Love the people of South Carolina – look very much forward to the debate tonight.
13 Feb, 2016
I don’t like executive orders. Consensus means you have to work hard and cajole and make deals. China just bought a stock exchange in Chicago. Carrier is moving to Mexico to make air conditioners....
13 Feb, 2016
We have to take care of our people in THIS country. I will build a wall. If we don’t have borders, if we don’t have strength, we don’t have a country! #GOODebate
13 Feb, 2016
I’m going to save Social Security. I’m going to bring jobs back from China, Mexico and Japan! #GOPDebate
13 Feb, 2016
Jeb Bush spent $44 million in negative ads in New Hampshire and barely came in 4th! I’m not taking advice from him! #GOPDebate
13 Feb, 2016
Jeb’s special interests and lobbyists pack the chamber with boo-birds! You have to knock out ISIS — they are animals! We’ve been in the middle east for 15 years and we haven’t won anything....
13 Feb, 2016
Diane S. Sykes and William H. Pryor Jr. would make excellent nominees to replace beloved Justice Scalia when I become president. #GOPDebate
13 Feb, 2016
On the way to the #GOPDebate with my wonderful wife Melania Trump.
13 Feb, 2016
“@AmFree: #Trump On #Ford, #Carrier, Shipping #Jobs To #Mexico: ‘I’m The Only One Who Understands What’s Going On’”
13 Feb, 2016
“@ThtsWhtKelSaid: I’m fed up w/ DC playing 3 card Monty w/ our tax $’s. It’s time we the people play the Trump card, & take back our country
13 Feb, 2016
The totally unexpected loss of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is a massive setback for the Conservative movement and our COUNTRY!
13 Feb, 2016
“@BrandonSawyer84: @realDonaldTrump will rule #SouthCarolinaPrimary!”
13 Feb, 2016
“@wino911: #Trump2016 We know better than to trust the RNC” So cute!
13 Feb, 2016
“Get on Trump’s List” email from the RNC was not authorized. I am self funding my campaign! Do not pay. Email:
13 Feb, 2016
Thank you, South Carolina! We will MAKE AMERICA SAFE & GREAT AGAIN!
13 Feb, 2016
RT @EricTrump: Nevada: Reminder that today is the LAST day to register to vote in the February 23rd caucus! https://…
13 Feb, 2016
“@grammies28: @realDonaldTrump was right! Vote trump! Bring our jobs back.” I told you so, only going to get worse
13 Feb, 2016
“@Elvisfan1976: @NRSC stop sending me emails asking me to donate and get a free DonaldTrump sticker. I support him and he’s self funding!
13 Feb, 2016
“@dj4k4000: @realDonaldTrump @CNN Trump will be our next POTUS..every American will benefit positivey from this.”
13 Feb, 2016
“@nellalda: @DonaldJTrump45 @realDonaldTrump @Reince They are all going crazy! We the people do not care at all! We are with Trump!!”
13 Feb, 2016
“@Bonfiredesigns: @StellaDean Let’s Get United In America With @realDonaldTrump”
13 Feb, 2016
Millions of $’s in false ads, paid for by lobbyists-special interests of cheaters Senator Ted Cruz & sleepy Jeb Bush, now running in South Carolina.
13 Feb, 2016
A very big thank you to Bill Donohue, head of The Catholic League, for the wonderful interview on @CNN and article in Newsmax! Great insight
13 Feb, 2016
Totally unauthorized, do not pay. I am self funding my campaign! Notice has just been withdrawn. #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
13 Feb, 2016
The RNC, which is probably not on my side, just illegally put out a fundraising notice saying Trump wants you to contribute to the RNC.
13 Feb, 2016
Now an additional 600-700 jobs in America (2,000) being eliminated for move to Mexico- via Hartford Courant.
13 Feb, 2016
“@jd4160: Nice column by Bill Donahue, head of Catholic League. He’s a blue collar New Yorker and gets it”
13 Feb, 2016
I am the only one who can fix this. Very sad. Will not happen under my watch! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
13 Feb, 2016
1,300 Layoffs for Northeast Philly’s Cardone Industries. The auto parts re-manufacturer is moving a division to Mexico. I am the ONLY one who can fix this! We need to keep jobs- here in AMERICA!
13 Feb, 2016
The RNC, which is probably not on my side, just illegally put out a fundraising notice saying Donald Trump wants you to contribute to the RNC. “Get on Trump’s List” is totally unauthorized, do...
13 Feb, 2016
13 Feb, 2016
Just got back from Tampa. It was an amazing evening with an even more amazing crowd – fantastic people! Will be in South Carolina tomorrow.