Trump Tweet on 2/13/16 2:50: Word is that little . . .
Word is that little Morty Zuckerman’s @NYDailyNews loses more than $50 million per year—can that be possible?
13 Feb, 2016
Word is that little Morty Zuckerman’s @NYDailyNews loses more than $50 million per year—can that be possible?
13 Feb, 2016
When little Morty Zuckerman closes his failing @NYDailyNews will I at least be given some credit? Will happen soon.
13 Feb, 2016
11,000 inside venue tonight in Tampa! Broke record set by Elton John in 1988 w/out musical instruments! Another 5,000 outside. Will be back!
13 Feb, 2016
I will end illegal immigration and protect our borders! We need to MAKE AMERICA SAFE & GREAT AGAIN! #Trump2016
12 Feb, 2016
12 Feb, 2016
Millions of $’s of false ads, paid for by lobbyists-special interests of cheater @SenTedCruz and sleepy @JebBush, are now running in S.C.
12 Feb, 2016
“@copyover2001: @realDonaldTrump Do Americans really want a Canadian-born president? First non native born in history?”
12 Feb, 2016
11,000 inside venue tonight in Tampa! Broke record set by Elton John in 1988 w/out musical instruments! Another 5,000 outside. Will be back! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
12 Feb, 2016
“@by @tedcruz good I want to see the court decide what I was always told “natural born” means – born on American soil”
12 Feb, 2016
“@hillx123: @tedcruz you have just been put on notice @realDonaldTrump We Stand with you… #MakeAmericaGreatAgain” Thankyou.
12 Feb, 2016
Last time lightweight @JebBush tried to knock off @marcorubio he made a total fool of himself. If he doesn’t do better this time, he is out!
12 Feb, 2016
If @TedCruz doesn’t clean up his act, stop cheating, & doing negative ads, I have standing to sue him for not being a natural born citizen.
12 Feb, 2016
An illegal immigrant gang member gunned down 17 year old Jas Shaw. Trump will end illegal immigration and protect our borders! We need to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
12 Feb, 2016
Lightweight @JebBush is spending a fortune of special interest against me in SC. False advertising- desperate and sad!
12 Feb, 2016
1,400 workers in Indianapolis are informed that their company is moving to Mexico. WE cannot allow this to keep happening! It WILL NOT happen under my watch! We need to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!
12 Feb, 2016
Nothing conservative about the Club for Growth coming into my office and demanding a $1M contribution, which naturally, they did not get.
12 Feb, 2016
After hearing the news that they would not be able to extort $1M from me, they went hostile w/ a series of incorrect & ill-informed ads.
12 Feb, 2016
You must be registered Republican by February 16th to vote TRUMP in the Florida primary.
12 Feb, 2016
The failing @NYDailyNews, destroyed by little Morty Zuckerman, is preparing to close and save face by going online. It’s dead!
12 Feb, 2016
My special interest group- is the AMERICAN PEOPLE!
12 Feb, 2016
NEVADA! Tomorrow is the deadline to register Republican. Visit: Message from @IvankaTrump:
12 Feb, 2016
Florida: You must be registered Republican by February 16th to vote TRUMP in the Florida primary. The registration form must be mailed or hand delivered to your nearest elections office. Watch Ivanka Trump explain...
12 Feb, 2016
How can Ted Cruz be an Evangelical Christian when he lies so much and is so dishonest?
12 Feb, 2016
Lying Cruz put out a statement, “Trump & Rubio are with Obama on gay marriage.” Cruz is the worst liar, crazy or very dishonest. Perhaps all 3? How can Ted Cruz be an Evangelical...
12 Feb, 2016
GREAT new poll. Together we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
12 Feb, 2016
Build a safe zone. I have been saying it from the beginning. We have to have a heart but we also have to have common sense!
12 Feb, 2016
Lying Cruz put out a statement, “Trump & Rubio are w/Obama on gay marriage.” Cruz is the worst liar, crazy or very dishonest. Perhaps all 3?
12 Feb, 2016
Weak JEB getting thrown out by management during speech. Do you think he will be this tough on Putin & others?
12 Feb, 2016
THANK YOU- Baton Rouge, Louisiana! WE will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! #Trump2016
12 Feb, 2016
Just landed in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Reports are out that lines are three quarters of a mile to get in. Wow! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
12 Feb, 2016
Cruz caught cold in lie after denial of push polls like lies w/ @RealBenCarson. How can he preach Christian values?
11 Feb, 2016
Nevada you must register republican by this Saturday, February 13th to caucus for Trump. It only takes a few moments. Visit:
11 Feb, 2016
“@truthinvest: @CNN @tedcruz @realDonaldTrump Ted Cruz is the definition of sleaze. Just ask @RealBenCarson”
11 Feb, 2016
Heading to Baton Rouge, Louisiana for a speech. Expecting a very large crowd! See you soon. #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
11 Feb, 2016
WOW! What a night in Baton Rouge, Louisiana! Thank you! There is NO doubt, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN- if EVERYONE gets out to VOTE! Have a great night, America!
11 Feb, 2016
We are getting reports from many voters that the Cruz people are back to doing very sleazy and dishonest “pushpolls” on me. We are watching!
11 Feb, 2016
Jeb failed as Jeb! He gave up and enlisted Mommy and his brother (who got us into the quicksand of Iraq). Spent $120 million.Weak-no chance!
11 Feb, 2016
So many amazing volunteers for our campaign! The college students I speak with get that all talk- and no action politicians are only leaving them with big debt and empty promises! We must MAKE...
11 Feb, 2016
He (or she) who hesitates is lost: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
11 Feb, 2016
Remember, it was the Republican Party, with the help of Conservatives, that made so many promises to their base, BUT DIDN’T KEEP THEM! Hi DT
11 Feb, 2016
.@MarkHalperin showed a focus group on @Morning_Joe me using a very bad word. I never said the word, left an open blank. Please apologize!
11 Feb, 2016
Jeb Bush spent more than $40,000,000 in New Hampshire to come in 4 or 5, I spent $3,000,000 to come in 1st. Big difference in capability!
11 Feb, 2016
There are no buyers for the worthless @NYDailyNews but little Mort Zuckerman is frantically looking. It is bleeding red ink – a total loser!
11 Feb, 2016
We give Iran $150 billion and they mock us? It gets harder and harder for me to comprehend the stupidity of the deals our leaders make.
11 Feb, 2016
We’re being ripped off by everybody. And I guess that’s the thing that Bernie Sanders and myself have in common. We know about the trade. But unfortunately he can’t do anything to fix it,...
11 Feb, 2016
“Every American needs to say 2 simple words to every Vet they meet: THANK YOU!” John Wayne Walding
11 Feb, 2016
I have been consistent in my opposition to Common Core. Get rid of Common Core— keep education local!
11 Feb, 2016
THANK YOU- Clemson, South Carolina! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #SCPrimary
11 Feb, 2016
“@HARyder: Which is it @realDonaldTrump ?Are you planning on getting rid of Common Core or keeping it? Get rid of it fast.
11 Feb, 2016
I was referring to the fact that Jeb Bush wants to keep common core.