Trump Tweet on 2/10/16 23:49: Big speech tonight in . . .
Big speech tonight in South Carolina – 7:00 P.M. Tremendous crowd!
10 Feb, 2016
Big speech tonight in South Carolina – 7:00 P.M. Tremendous crowd!
10 Feb, 2016
I have been consistent in my opposition to Common Core. Get rid of Common Core– keep education local!
10 Feb, 2016
What a way to start off- in South Carolina! THANK YOU to everyone who came out this evening. I had a GREAT time with you! #VoteTrumpSC- and we will MAKE AMERICA SAFE & GREAT...
10 Feb, 2016
On Monday evening- after my rally at the Verizon Wireless Arena in New Hampshire- and before the big day- I thanked the most important people on my team. The VOLUNTEERS! It was an honor...
10 Feb, 2016
So funny, Jeb Bush called me a “highly gifted politician and a great entertainer” – I assume that is a compliment!
10 Feb, 2016
Order the official hat with the slogan that is changing America. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #TrumpTrain #Trump2016
10 Feb, 2016
Such a great experience in New Hampshire – amazing people! Will be leaving for a big event in South Carolina today.
10 Feb, 2016
Like the worthless @NYDailyNews, looks like @politico will be going out of business. Bad reporting- no money, no cred!
10 Feb, 2016
Worthless @NYDailyNews, which dopey Mort Zuckerman, is desperately trying to sell, has no buyer! Liabilities are massive!
10 Feb, 2016
Dopey Mort Zuckerman, owner of the worthless @NYDailyNews, has a major inferiority complex. Paper will close soon!
10 Feb, 2016
As I prepare for my South Carolina departure, I would like to THANK the amazing people in New Hampshire. It all began with you- the VOTERS. Let’s remember last night- and know that I...
10 Feb, 2016
Good morning America! THANK YOU for your vote, New Hampshire! We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Off to South Carolina today. Everyone have a GREAT DAY, and again- thank you!
10 Feb, 2016
“@MarkHalperin: My report card grades for the 2 New Hampshire winners: DonaldTrump A: v strong energy/close. BernieSanders B+: went too long
10 Feb, 2016
Thank you, New Hampshire! Departing with my amazing family now! #FITN #NHPrimary
10 Feb, 2016
Thank you to the people of New Hampshire, I love you! Now, off to South Carolina.
9 Feb, 2016
Departing New Hampshire with my amazing family! THANK YOU- NEW HAMPSHIRE! Tonight the VOTERS decided. Next stop is South Carolina! I LOVE you ALL & THANK YOU! Together we are GOING TO MAKE AMERICA...
9 Feb, 2016
We will stop heroin and other drugs from coming into New Hampshire from our open southern border. We will build a WALL and have security.
9 Feb, 2016
We will immediately repeal and replace ObamaCare – and nobody can do that like me. We will save $’s and have much better healthcare!
9 Feb, 2016
ISIS is making big threats today – no respect for U.S.A. or our “leader” – If I win it will be a very different story,with very fast results
9 Feb, 2016
Together we will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
9 Feb, 2016
Another poll location- with amazing volunteers & great supporters! Thank you!
9 Feb, 2016
We will immediately repeal and replace ObamaCare – and nobody can do that like me. We will save $’s and have much better healthcare!
9 Feb, 2016
ISIS is making big threats today – no respect for U.S.A. or our “leader” – If I win it will be a very different story, with very fast results!
9 Feb, 2016
New Hampshire vote today – MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
9 Feb, 2016
I am out at the polls in New Hampshire- thanking my AMAZING volunteers- and supporters who are coming out to VOTE TRUMP! THANK YOU!
9 Feb, 2016
You can find your polling locations at: #FITN #NHPrimary #VoteTrumpNH
9 Feb, 2016
Ivanka Trump out today- visiting poll locations in New Hampshire, and thanking our AMAZING volunteers! If you have not been out to vote yet- get out & vote Trump! Not sure where to go?...
9 Feb, 2016
A message to the great people of New Hampshire on this important day! #VoteTrumpNH Video:
9 Feb, 2016
Thank you for a great night at the Verizon Wireless Arena- New Hampshire! #VoteTrumpNH #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #FITN
9 Feb, 2016
I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 8:40. A.M. Enjoy!
9 Feb, 2016
The polls are now showing that I am the best to win the GENERAL ELECTION. States that are never in play for Repubs will be won by me. Great!
9 Feb, 2016
No-one has done more for people with disabilities than me. I have spent many millions of dollars to help out-and am happy to have done so!
9 Feb, 2016
I know the “Governors” and Jeb Bush, who has gone nasty with lies, is by far the weakest of the lot. His family used private eminent domain!
9 Feb, 2016
Remember @JebBush wants COMMON CORE (education from D.C.) and is very weak on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION (“come as act of love”). Not a leader!
9 Feb, 2016
I enjoyed a great breakfast at the Airport Diner! Everyone get out & vote in New Hampshire! Lets MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Voting questions?
9 Feb, 2016
A message to the great people of New Hampshire on this important day: Thank you for all of your hospitality and support. I need you to go out and vote today! Together we will...
9 Feb, 2016
Thank you, New Hampshire! #FITN
9 Feb, 2016
Thank you, New Hampshire! #FITN #NHPrimary #VoteTrumpNH Voting questions?
8 Feb, 2016
Ending a great day with my special family in NH.
8 Feb, 2016
#VoteTrumpNH #NHPrimary #FITN
8 Feb, 2016
What a GREAT night- in a snow storm! THANK YOU for all of your support, NEW HAMPSHIRE! Tomorrow is the big day! Get out and VOTE TRUMP! Together we will ALL MAKE AMERICA SAFE...
8 Feb, 2016
Now that Bush has wasted $120 million of special interest money on his failed campaign, he says he would end super PACs. Sad!
8 Feb, 2016
Today’s third stop- Londonderry, New Hampshire! Thank you! #FITN #VoteTrumpNH
8 Feb, 2016
RT @foxandfriends: “Jeb is a weak guy.” @EricTrump
8 Feb, 2016
RT @foxandfriends: .@DonaldJTrumpJr: Trump has had a lot more responsibility to deal with than any of the other GOP candidates…
8 Feb, 2016
America needs strong leadership. Politicians can talk but they don’t get things done. Video:
8 Feb, 2016
Looking for more information on the New Hampshire primary? Visit to find out everything you need to know to vote TRUMP on February 9th!
8 Feb, 2016
Everybody is laughing at Jeb Bush-spent $100 million and is at bottom of pack. A pathetic figure!