Donald Trump on Facebook: Marco said President . . .
Marco said President Obama knows exactly what he is doing. I respectfully disagree with Marco. We have a President who is totally incompetent- and does not know what he is doing! #GOPDebate
6 Feb, 2016
Marco said President Obama knows exactly what he is doing. I respectfully disagree with Marco. We have a President who is totally incompetent- and does not know what he is doing! #GOPDebate
6 Feb, 2016
I will build the military bigger, stronger and better than anybody else up here [on stage] #GOPDebate
6 Feb, 2016
We are going to win with Trump! People don’t respect us anymore! We will win with Trump! #GOPDebate
6 Feb, 2016
“@realOllieTaylor: @paintonmy: IA caucus hasn’t picked nominee in 16 years! Cruz dirty tricks stole it. Trump way ahead in primary states.
6 Feb, 2016
“@paintonmyjeans: If I owned a big company that was failing, I’d hire DonaldTrump to make it great again-Rubio/Cruz wouldnt be considered”
6 Feb, 2016
“@big_carsonrocks: AMERICA…Stop being duped…WAKE UP Cruz & Rubio establishment phonies. DonaldTrump only truthful & not owned candidate”
6 Feb, 2016
Next Monday February 8th come join us at the Verizon Wireless Center in Manchester, New Hampshire at 7pm EST. Register now to be part of history! Registration:
6 Feb, 2016
Via Eric Trump: Debate ready!!! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #TrumpTrain
6 Feb, 2016
“@Enlighten2881: @ukcatwoman52 @ericnlin @AC360 How come Rubio&Cruz are going to turn America around but did nothing in the Senate for USA?”
6 Feb, 2016
Join me tomorrow in Plymouth, New Hampshire! #FITN #NHPrimary
6 Feb, 2016
The New Hampshire drug epidemic must stop. If elected POTUS- I will create borders & the drugs will stop pouring in.
6 Feb, 2016
Wow, Jeb Bush, whose campaign is a total disaster, had to bring in mommy to take a slap at me. Not nice!
6 Feb, 2016
“@lisabrossman: @ukcatwoman52 @ericnlin @AC360 He is for America! Security for America! Jobs for America! There is no other leader!”
6 Feb, 2016
Wow, Jeb Bush, whose campaign is a total disaster, had to bring in mommy to take a slap at me. Not nice!
6 Feb, 2016
The New Hampshire drug epidemic must stop. If elected POTUS “” I will create borders and the drugs will stop pouring in. We will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
6 Feb, 2016
I told you so. Our country totally lost control of illegal immigration, even with criminals.
6 Feb, 2016
“@billrey16929057: @seanhannity #Hannity @realDonaldTrump is the only hope to #MAKEAMERICAGREATAGAIN”
6 Feb, 2016
“@ukcatwoman52: @ericnlin @AC360 all candidates liars. Trump is the only one that speak the truth people need to hear what Trump is saying.”
6 Feb, 2016
“@ericnlin: @AC360 DonaldTrump: no raise in 8 years, home not worth what I paid for it, healthcare is a joke Obama is a liar. TRUMP 2016”
6 Feb, 2016
“@autumnandews08: @realDonaldTrump Trump Will WIN the Debate like he has WON ALL the others! He is heads above the rest! #VoteTrump” Thanks!
6 Feb, 2016
Border agent: “We might as well abolish our immigration laws altogether”
6 Feb, 2016
I said this was happening long ago- I will stop this immediately!
6 Feb, 2016
I told you so. Our country totally lost control of illegal immigration, even with criminals.
6 Feb, 2016
10,000 people in South Carolina, unbelievable evening! Will be in New Hampshire tomorrow- love it.
6 Feb, 2016
Really dumb @CheriJacobus. Begged my people for a job. Turned her down twice and she went hostile. Major loser, zero credibility!
5 Feb, 2016
“@DharmaBum77: Donald Trump loves America! He loves Americans! He loves our Vets! #TrumpSupporters @realDonaldTrump
5 Feb, 2016
“@MaryAnn1942: @realDonaldTrump why vote for Trump? Unlike politicians all talk, Trump’s talk materializes! He will make America great again
5 Feb, 2016
RT @seanhannity: Watch: Donald Trump OWNS A Heckler Who Said Illegal Immigrants Are The Backbone Of America
5 Feb, 2016
Join me at Clemson University on Wednesday, February 10th! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
5 Feb, 2016
10,000 people in South Carolina, unbelievable evening! Will be in New Hampshire tomorrow- love it.
5 Feb, 2016
Heading to South Carolina, really big crowd! Will be back in New Hampshire tomorrow. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
5 Feb, 2016
Such great support in New Hampshire. So many people are working so hard to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
5 Feb, 2016
I very much look forward to tomorrow’s debate in New Hampshire—so many things to say, so much at stake. It will be an incredible evening!
5 Feb, 2016
WATCH: Donald Trump OWNS A Heckler Who Said Illegal Immigrants Are The Backbone Of America- via Sean Hannity.
5 Feb, 2016
Live Free or Die: A motto for the whole country to follow. #NewHampshire #FITN #VoteTrumpNH
5 Feb, 2016
Big storm in New Hampshire. Moved my event to Monday. Will be there next four days.
5 Feb, 2016
Join us Monday, February 8th @ the Verizon Wireless Arena in Manchester, New Hampshire! #FITN #NHPolitics #Trump2016
5 Feb, 2016
I very much look forward to tomorrow’s debate in New Hampshire””so many things to say, so much at stake. It will be an incredible evening! #FITN
5 Feb, 2016
Live Free or Die: A motto for the whole country to follow
5 Feb, 2016
Police officers will not have to be afraid of losing their jobs- if I am elected president. They will be respected again- to protect and serve.
5 Feb, 2016
“@rkswaney7: @CNN @realDonaldTrump I agree. Great businessman. I like your tone tonight! Keep it up & you’ll have this Democrats vote.”
4 Feb, 2016
I will be interviewed by Anderson Cooper at 8pm on @CNN from New Hampshire. Should be very interesting!
4 Feb, 2016
Thank you, New Hampshire! I will NOT let you down! Together we will MAKE AMERICA SAFE & GREAT AGAIN! THANK YOU for your continued support! Everyone get out & VOTE on February 9th!
4 Feb, 2016
I am having a fabulous day in New Hampshire! It was great to spend time with, and speak to the fine men & women of the Manchester Police Department. I thank ALL of our...
4 Feb, 2016
Taking a helicopter to New Hampshire, boarding now. Amazing activity planned. New UMASS poll, very nice!