Donald Trump on Facebook: If elected POTUS- I will . . .
If elected POTUS- I will begin building the wall immediately- and Mexico will pay for it! It is time to END illegal immigration!
4 Feb, 2016
If elected POTUS- I will begin building the wall immediately- and Mexico will pay for it! It is time to END illegal immigration!
4 Feb, 2016
Politicians are trying to chip away at the 2nd Amendment. I won’t let them take away our guns! #Trump2016 Watch:
4 Feb, 2016
Politicians are trying to chip away at the 2nd Amendment. I won’t let them take away our guns!! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
4 Feb, 2016
Thank you Bill O’Reilly & Karl Rove. Ted Cruz should be immediately disqualified in Iowa, with each candidate moving up one notch.
4 Feb, 2016
This is the Cruz voter violation certificate sent to everyone, a misdemeanor at minimum.
4 Feb, 2016
.@oreillyfactor @KarlRove- as per the show, an even more serious Cruz charge is the fraudulent voter violation certificate sent to everyone.
4 Feb, 2016
#ICYMI: @KarlRove & @oreillyfactor discuss what Ted Cruz did to the great people of Iowa- as they went to vote.
4 Feb, 2016
Thank you @billoreilly & @KarlRove. Ted Cruz should be immediately disqualified in Iowa, with each candidate moving up one notch.
4 Feb, 2016
Sanders says he wants to run against me because he doesn’t want to run against me. He would be so easy to beat!
4 Feb, 2016
THANK YOU to everyone in Little Rock, Arkansas tonight! A record crowd of 12K. #Trump2016
3 Feb, 2016
RT @DarrenJJordan: CONSTRUCTIVE WINS! 💪 @realDonaldTrump @CLewandowski_ @DanScavino @MichaelCohen212 @KatrinaPierson @DefendingtheUSA http…
3 Feb, 2016
Stop the assault on American values. Stand w/ Trump to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! #VotersSpeak:
3 Feb, 2016
THANK YOU to everyone in Little Rock, Arkansas tonight! A record crowd of 12,000 at Barton Coliseum. I am grateful for all of your support! WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! #TrumpTrain
3 Feb, 2016
Dr. Ben Carson blasted Ted Cruz for “deceit and dirty tricks and lies.”
3 Feb, 2016
Thank you New Hampshire! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #FITN
3 Feb, 2016
THANK YOU – NEW HAMPSHIRE! Everyone get out and vote on February 9th- and we will MAKE AMERICA SAFE & GREAT AGAIN!!
3 Feb, 2016
Cruz just lied again- I am, and have been totally against #ObamaCare- repeal and replace!
3 Feb, 2016
The State of Iowa should disqualify Ted Cruz from the most recent election on the basis that he cheated- a total fraud!
3 Feb, 2016
This was sent out from Ted Cruz- as Iowans arrived at their caucus sites to vote. #CruzFraud
3 Feb, 2016
I will be interviewed on @greta at 7:00 P.M. Enjoy! @FoxNews
3 Feb, 2016
Stop the assault on American values. Stand with Trump to Make America Great Again! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
3 Feb, 2016
This was sent out from Ted Cruz- as Iowans arrived at their caucus sites to vote. #CruzFraud
3 Feb, 2016
Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa Caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified.
3 Feb, 2016
And finally, Cruz strongly told thousands of caucusgoers (voters) that Trump was strongly in favor of ObamaCare and “choice” – a total lie!
3 Feb, 2016
The Voter Violation certificate gave poor marks to the unsuspecting voter(grade of F) and told them to clear it up by voting for Cruz. Fraud
3 Feb, 2016
Many people voted for Cruz over Carson because of this Cruz fraud. Also, Cruz sent out a VOTER VIOLATION certificate to thousands of voters.
3 Feb, 2016
During primetime of the Iowa Caucus, Cruz put out a release that @RealBenCarson was quitting the race, and to caucus (or vote) for Cruz.
3 Feb, 2016
Ted Cruz didn’t win Iowa, he stole it. That is why all of the polls were so wrong and why he got far more votes than anticipated. Bad!
3 Feb, 2016
And finally, Cruz strongly told thousands of caucusgoers (voters) that Trump was strongly in favor of ObamaCare and “choice” – a total lie!
3 Feb, 2016
The Voter Violation certificate gave poor marks to the unsuspecting voter (grade of F) and told them to clear it up by voting for Cruz. Fraud!
3 Feb, 2016
Many people voted for Cruz over Carson because of this Cruz fraud. Also, Cruz sent out a VOTER VIOLATION certificate to thousands of voters.
3 Feb, 2016
During primetime of the Iowa Caucus, Cruz put out a release that Dr. Ben Carson was quitting the race, and to caucus (or vote) for Cruz.
3 Feb, 2016
Ted Cruz didn’t win Iowa, he stole it. That is why all of the polls were so wrong and why he got far more votes than anticipated. Bad!
3 Feb, 2016
Good morning America! I had a fabulous time in New Hampshire last night. I am very grateful for the support of everyone. In addition- thank you to Senator Scott Brown for last nights endorsement-...
3 Feb, 2016
Great job on @donlemon tonight @kayleighmcenany @cherijacobus begged us for a job. We said no and she went hostile. A real dummy! @CNN
2 Feb, 2016
On my way to New Hampshire- expecting a big and spirited crowd! #FITN #Trump2016
2 Feb, 2016
THANK YOU- Milford, New Hampshire! What a night! Thank you Senator Scott Brown for your endorsement tonight. It means a lot to me. Have a great evening everyone- and THANK YOU again for all...
2 Feb, 2016
Surprise! Stopped by our Manchester, New Hampshire office this evening- to see our amazing volunteers. Thank you! If you would like to volunteer for TEAM TRUMP, in New Hampshire- please fill out the form...
2 Feb, 2016
Anybody who watched all of Ted Cruz’s far too long, rambling, overly flamboyant speech last nite would say that was his Howard Dean moment!
2 Feb, 2016
“@stephbewitching @realDonaldTrump All you haters need to realize Trump got the second highest vote in history. And he’s never held office!”
2 Feb, 2016
“@restorereality Iowa is meaningless…keep pushing forward, run the table in NH SC NV and Super Tuesday. America needs you! #TrumpTrain”
2 Feb, 2016
RT @namusca: #VoteTrump2016 a real leader that truly cares about America & our values. He wants to bring prosperity back 2 USA…
2 Feb, 2016
“@ellenEspence @realDonaldTrump Amazing job in Iowa! Cruz just barely won.”
2 Feb, 2016
“@93101Dianne @realDonaldTrump if you can do that well in Iowa then I see you acing it in all other significant states. Momentum is growing”
2 Feb, 2016
RT @JoeNBC: Remarkable how cost-effective Post says Trump campaign was per vote and stunning how much Jeb spent per vote.…
2 Feb, 2016
“@LoreWestphal @realDonaldTrump You MUST win the Presidency in 2016 !!!”
2 Feb, 2016
.@Morning_Joe @mikebarnicle on @realDonaldTrump: He finished 2nd but he made the turn successfully like a pro”
2 Feb, 2016
RT @IngrahamAngle: The #CruzCrew prevailed! Smart for @MarcoRubio to keep his speech short & sweet. Ditto for @realDonaldTrump who was brie…
2 Feb, 2016
On my way to New Hampshire- expecting a big and spirited crowd! #FITN #Trump2016 #TrumpTrain
2 Feb, 2016
I don’t believe I have been given any credit by the voters for self-funding my campaign, the only one. I will keep doing, but not worth it!