Trump Tweet on 2/2/16 16:34: I will be talking about . . .
I will be talking about my wonderful experience in Iowa and the simultaneous unfair treatment by the media-later in New Hampshire. Big crowd
2 Feb, 2016
I will be talking about my wonderful experience in Iowa and the simultaneous unfair treatment by the media-later in New Hampshire. Big crowd
2 Feb, 2016
The media has not covered my long-shot great finish in Iowa fairly. Brought in record voters and got second highest vote total in history!
2 Feb, 2016
Because I was told I could not do well in Iowa, I spent very little there – a fraction of Cruz & Rubio. Came in a strong second. Great honor
2 Feb, 2016
My experience in Iowa was a great one. I started out with all of the experts saying I couldn’t do well there and ended up in 2nd place. Nice
2 Feb, 2016
I will be talking about my wonderful experience in Iowa and the simultaneous unfair treatment by the media-later in New Hampshire. Big crowd!
2 Feb, 2016
Because I was told I could not do well in Iowa, I spent very little there – a fraction of Cruz & Rubio. Came in a strong second. Great honor!
2 Feb, 2016
My experience in Iowa was a great one. I started out with all of the experts saying I couldn’t do well there and ended up in 2nd place. Nice.
1 Feb, 2016
RT @kevcirilli: CEDAR RAPIDS — TRUMP’S DAUGHT IVANKA: “I can just say without equivocation, my father will make America great again.”
1 Feb, 2016
RT @ErinBurnett: Sat down w/ @EricTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr here in Iowa. Talked God, @realDonaldTrump late night tweets…
1 Feb, 2016
Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump will be at the below caucus locations tonight in Iowa! Ivanka Trump 6:30 p.m. Where: DoubleTree by Hilton 350 First Avenue NE Cedar Rapids, IA...
1 Feb, 2016
1 Feb, 2016
THANK YOU, IOWA! A great morning in Waterloo, Iowa & a great afternoon in Cedar Rapids, Iowa! The time is approaching- EVERYONE needs to get out and caucus tonight! It is time to take...
1 Feb, 2016
1 Feb, 2016
A message to the great people of Iowa on this historic day: Find your caucus locations at:
1 Feb, 2016
GOOD MORNING IOWA! The day we have all been waiting for is here. Make sure you get out and caucus tonight- together, we will MAKE AMERICA SAFE & GREAT AGAIN! Iowa caucus locator:
1 Feb, 2016
Join us! #CaucusForTrump 11am WATERLOO: 1:30pm CEDER RAPIDS:
31 Jan, 2016
.@DonaldJTrumpJr & his wife @MrsVanessaTrump attended the #SnowflakeGardenBrunch- here w/ Governor @TerryBranstad.
31 Jan, 2016
Watch @IvankaTrump show you how easy it is to #CaucusForTrump in Iowa! #IACaucus Video:
31 Jan, 2016
RT @CLewandowski:_ Trump winning over Latino Republicans, poll says | New York Post
31 Jan, 2016
So nice to get an endorsement from the founder and owner of Pizza Ranch in Iowa! A great guy and great places! #CaucusForTrump
31 Jan, 2016
It is time to take back our country- and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! #CaucusForTrump Video:
31 Jan, 2016
A fabulous day in Iowa! Donald Trump Jr. & his beautiful wife Vanessa- had a great time with Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, at this mornings #SnowflakeGardenBrunch! Iowa caucus finder:
31 Jan, 2016
WOW! Thank you for all of your support in Council Bluffs, Iowa today! It was an honor to present a check for $100,000 to Partners for Patriots with Jerry Falwell Jr. on behalf of...
31 Jan, 2016
I will be interviewed on Face The Nation with @jdickerson this morning. Enjoy!
31 Jan, 2016
I am in Iowa. Will be interviewed on This Week With @GStephanopoulos this morning. ENJOY!
31 Jan, 2016
If I would have done the last debate, a record would have been set (instead of the poor ratings recieved). Also, VETS got $6,000,000.
31 Jan, 2016
By not doing the failed, poorly rated debate, I was able to make the point of not allowing “unfairness” – while raising $6,000,000 for VETS.
31 Jan, 2016
Wow, just saw an ad – Cruz is lying on so many levels. There is nobody more against ObamaCare than me, will repeal & replace. He lies!
31 Jan, 2016
Ted Cruz is in trouble for not reporting his bank borrowing in his very important Financial Disclosure Form. Very low interest loans, scam!
31 Jan, 2016
Ted Cruz is totally unelectable, if he even gets to run (born in Canada). Will loose big to Hillary. Polls show I beat Hillary easily! WIN!
31 Jan, 2016
I will be going to church in Iowa this morning with my wife, Melania. After church I will be making two speeches and touring the State!
31 Jan, 2016
.@bobvanderplaats is a total phony and con man. When I wouldn’t give him free hotel rooms and much more, he endorsed Cruz. @foxandfriends
31 Jan, 2016
.@bobvanderplaats asked me to do an event. The people holding the event called me to say he wanted $100,000 for himself.Phony @foxandfriends
31 Jan, 2016
.@bobvanderplaats is a total phony and dishonest guy. Asked me for expensive hotel rooms, free (and more). I said pay and he endorsed Cruz!
31 Jan, 2016
The Cruz campaign issued a dishonest and deceptive get out the vote ad calling voters “in violation.” They are now under investigation. Bad!
31 Jan, 2016
It is time to take back our country- and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Iowa caucus finder:
31 Jan, 2016
Wow, just saw an ad – Cruz is lying on so many levels. There is nobody more against ObamaCare than me, will repeal & replace. He lies!
31 Jan, 2016
Good morning Iowa! We are just one day from caucus night! We can ALL make history- if everyone gets out to caucus. Whatever you do– do not sit home! It is time to MAKE...
30 Jan, 2016
“We need someone other than a career politician. It’s just like when you have a sick child. You look for the best doctor you can find. It may not be a doctor who goes...
30 Jan, 2016
Thank you for an incredible evening- Davenport, Iowa! In addition, thank you to Jerry Falwell Jr. for coming out to join me, with his beautiful family- in Iowa! Get out and #CaucusForTrump on 2/1/2016...
30 Jan, 2016
You can still contribute to our Veterans!
30 Jan, 2016
I had a fabulous time in Clinton, Iowa! Thank you for the incredible amount of support this afternoon. Remember- do not sit home on Monday evening! You all need to get out & #CaucusForTrump!...
30 Jan, 2016
THANK YOU to everyone who has supported my campaign! I am very grateful! Do not forget to get out & caucus Monday evening! #CaucusForTrump- and bring your family, friends, and co-workers! We can make...
30 Jan, 2016
30 Jan, 2016
#IACaucus #CaucusForTrump #iCaucused #iVoted
30 Jan, 2016
I want to thank evangelical Christians for the warm embrace I’ve received on the campaign trail. Video:
30 Jan, 2016
Good afternoon, Iowa! Monday is caucus night in Iowa! Not sure where to caucus? We have you covered! Watch Ivanka Trump show you how easy it is! Thank you for your continued support! #CaucusForTrump...
30 Jan, 2016
I will be in Iowa all day and until Tuesday morning. Finally, after all these years of watching stupidity, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
30 Jan, 2016
30 Jan, 2016
I want to thank evangelical Christians for the warm embrace I’ve received on the campaign trail. I will not let you down! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain