Trump Tweet on 1/30/16 3:52: Hillary Clinton is a . . .
Hillary Clinton is a major national security risk. Not presidential material!
30 Jan, 2016
Hillary Clinton is a major national security risk. Not presidential material!
30 Jan, 2016
THANK YOU to all of the incredible volunteers, behind the scenes in Iowa! #CaucusForTrump
30 Jan, 2016
“@gigglemitz: @GeraldoRivera @FoxNews damn fox is really acting like a baby today. I guess Trump got under their skin – pretty biased!
30 Jan, 2016
“@classyexplorer: @oreillyfactor @DRUDGE So Bill if America was SO LONGING to learn more about candidates why the 50 percent audience loss?”
30 Jan, 2016
Looking forward to a great weekend in Iowa! #IACaucus #CaucusForTrump Tickets:
30 Jan, 2016
.@oreillyfactor The people of Iowa love the fact that I stuck up for my rights, as I will do for the U.S. Also got $6,000,000 for our VETS!
30 Jan, 2016
.@FoxNews is the only network that does not even mention my very successful event last night. $6,000,000 raised in one hour for our VETS.
30 Jan, 2016
Amazing that Ted Cruz can’t even get a Senator like @BenSasse, who is easy, to endorse him. Not one Senator is endorsing Canada Ted!
30 Jan, 2016
.@BenSasse looks more like a gym rat than a U.S. Senator. How the hell did he ever get elected? @greta
30 Jan, 2016
The great State of Nebraska can do much better than @BenSasse as your Senator. Saw him on @greta – totally ineffective. Wants paid for pols.
29 Jan, 2016
The new e-mail release is a disaster for Hillary Clinton. At a minimum, how can someone with such bad judgement be our next president?
29 Jan, 2016
Hillary Clinton is a major national security risk. Not presidential material!
29 Jan, 2016
THANK YOU to all of the incredible volunteers, behind the scenes in Iowa- phone banking for #Trump2016! #CaucusForTrump
29 Jan, 2016
Thank you for all of your support Iowa! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 #IACaucus finder:
29 Jan, 2016
They say that if I participated in last night’s Fox debate, they would have had 12 million more & would have broken the all time record.
29 Jan, 2016
The new e-mail release is a disaster for Hillary Clinton. At a minimum, how can someone with such bad judgement be our next president?
29 Jan, 2016
Thank you, America! #Trump2016 Via @DRUDGE_REPORT
29 Jan, 2016
Join me tomorrow in Dubuque, Iowa! #IACaucus #Trump2016
29 Jan, 2016
Thank you- Nashua, New Hampshire! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
29 Jan, 2016
“Every American needs to say 2 simple words to every Vet they meet: THANK YOU!” John Wayne Walding
29 Jan, 2016
Thank you! Mitchell FOX2 Michigan Poll finds Trump holds 3-1 lead over closest GOP opponents. Trump 47% Clinton 43%
29 Jan, 2016
Great Twitter poll- and I wasn’t even there. Thank you! #GOPDebate
29 Jan, 2016
Getting ready to take off for Nashua, New Hampshire. Big crowd, will be there soon. Fun!
29 Jan, 2016
Iowa was amazing last night. The event could not have worked out better. We raised $6,000,000 for our great vets. They were so happy & proud
29 Jan, 2016
Thank you for a great morning- Nashua, New Hampshire! February 9th is a big day! Everyone get out & vote- and we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Thank you for your support!
29 Jan, 2016
Thank you for your interest & support during last nights #GOPDebate! #IACaucus finder:
29 Jan, 2016
Good morning America! Thank you for all of your support in the latest Drudge poll!
29 Jan, 2016
Great lesson from a great American hero – John Wayne Walding: ‘every American needs to say 2 simple words to every Vet they meet: THANK YOU!’ In addition – thank you to John, Jake...
29 Jan, 2016
Brand New! Get your Veterans for Trump t-shirt now. #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
29 Jan, 2016
Politicians are best at keeping their jobs. I get things done. We are going to start winning so much that you are going to get used to winning! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
29 Jan, 2016
Good morning America! Thank you for all of your support in the latest Drudge poll! I will always be tough for America, and will never let you down! Together we will ALL MAKE AMERICA...
29 Jan, 2016
Thank you for your support!
29 Jan, 2016
#IACaucus • 2/1/2016 • 6:30pm #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! Iowa caucus finder: #GOPDebate
29 Jan, 2016
Thank you for the kind words tonight, @OMAROSA. You were great! See you soon!
29 Jan, 2016
I will take care of the Veterans who have served this country so bravely. #ThankAVet Video:
29 Jan, 2016
An unbelievable night in Iowa with our great Veterans! We raised $6,000,000.00 while the politicians talked! #GOPDebate
29 Jan, 2016
Watching biased Charles @krauthammer, a @FoxNews flunky who didn’t know that I won every debate, in particular- the last one. Check polls!
28 Jan, 2016
“Donald Trump Hands Bill O’Reilly Cable TV Viewership Win”- @deadline-
28 Jan, 2016
An unbelievable night in Iowa with our great Veterans! We raised $6,000,000.00 while the politicians talked! #GOPDebate
28 Jan, 2016
#Trump2016 #IACaucus Finder:
28 Jan, 2016
Tune in at 9pmE and join me- with my entire family, live from Des Moines, Iowa. We are going to have a great night, raising money for our Veterans. Thank you for all of...
28 Jan, 2016
I hear that @SenTedCruz’s $$ man, Robert Mercer, a good man, is very angry because Cruz lied to him about liquidating his (Ted’s) holdings.?
28 Jan, 2016
20 Most Anticipated Hotel Openings of 2016: Trump International Hotel, Washington D.C.
28 Jan, 2016
Tennessee GOP Poll Trump 32.7% Cruz 16.5% Carson 6.6% Rubio 5.3% Christie 2.4% Jeb 1.6%
28 Jan, 2016
It is my great honor to support our Veterans with you! You can join me now. Thank you! #Trump4Vets
28 Jan, 2016
#Trump2016 #IACaucus Finder:
28 Jan, 2016
Being politically correct takes too much time. We have too much to get done! #Trump2016
28 Jan, 2016
“What America Needs: The Case for Trump†Great new book by the esteemed Jeffrey Lord @JeffJlpa1 Available now.