Trump Tweet on 1/28/16 14:00: “@GmoneyRainmaker: I . . .
“@GmoneyRainmaker: I hope @CNN has enough bandwidth tonight because not many will be watching @FoxNews. Watching Trump tonight #GOPDebate”
28 Jan, 2016
“@GmoneyRainmaker: I hope @CNN has enough bandwidth tonight because not many will be watching @FoxNews. Watching Trump tonight #GOPDebate”
28 Jan, 2016
“@rkirchmeyer: So @megynkelly brings in #MichaelMoore to add credibility in her fight with @realDonaldTrump? #FoxNews #ROGERAILES”
28 Jan, 2016
“@BradCross4: @Drudge_Report_ @realDonaldTrump”
28 Jan, 2016
“@chgardens1: @mitchellvii Pathetic attempt to bribe @realDonaldTrump He can’t be bought”
28 Jan, 2016
The “debate” tonight will be a total disaster – low ratings with advertisers and advertising rates dropping like a rock. I hate to see this.
28 Jan, 2016
“@laurencristmann: @realDonaldTrump why do they have so many debates this year?? Also, why is Cruz still allowed to run, he’s not eligible”
28 Jan, 2016
It is my great honor to support our Veterans- with you! We are going to MAKE AMERICA SAFE AND GREAT AGAIN!
28 Jan, 2016
“@hollywoodJV: @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump, why does Cruz hate Canada so much. He should embrace his roots, it’s a great country” So true!
28 Jan, 2016
Wow, two candidates called last night and said they want to go to my event tonight at Drake University.
28 Jan, 2016
“@michaelG4NY: new @nbcnews WSJ poll shows @realDonaldTrump pulling ahead of @tedcruz in #Iowa.” Great!
28 Jan, 2016
“@Rick_Gobbi: @realDonaldTrump …Hold up a mirror so the network cameras show how big the crowd is.” GREAT IDEA!
28 Jan, 2016
“@Plazzmatic: @realDonaldTrump @danpgabriel Sounds like the advertisers want Trump, he knows what he is doing.
28 Jan, 2016
“@_HankRearden: I respected Cruz ppl until this lie. We’re just tired of it from your side. 1949z @steph93065” NO!
28 Jan, 2016
“@dukeofbc: @megynkelly debate Cruz one on one. I would just tell him that you were to busy running for the President of USA, not Canada”
28 Jan, 2016
“@HaloOneForTrump: @foxnews takes #YUGE hit on advertising revenues by screwing with @realDonaldTrump ROFL!”
28 Jan, 2016
“@CJCboi: @DRJAMESCABOT @realDonaldTrump @DanScavino @Carolde @PlaysTrumpCard Checked YOUR wallet lately, Mr Ailes?”
28 Jan, 2016
“@Davejager1: @creta_r 9 pm channel 70 CNN I will be watching Trump tonight. Want to have a person in the White House that takes no BS.”
28 Jan, 2016
“@HenryOray: @CNNPolitics @tedcruz @realDonaldTrump is fighting corruption. Big donors took over Cruz. No to Donors”
28 Jan, 2016
“@gene70: @FireFlyFury @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump And this is the bimbo that’s asking presidential questions?”
28 Jan, 2016
“@splashpoint50: @realDonaldTrump Our ReTrumplican Trump support group of 9500 members say 97% will not watch the debate tonight!”
28 Jan, 2016
Being politically correct takes too much time. We have too much to get done! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
28 Jan, 2016
Thank you for your support and kind words, Jerry! I am very grateful. It is time to MAKE AMERICA SAFE AND GREAT AGAIN!
28 Jan, 2016
“@creta_r: @realDonaldTrump Looking forward to watching Donald Trump rally Thursday night on CNN!!”
28 Jan, 2016
#Trump2016 #IACaucus Finder:
28 Jan, 2016
On Greta, 87% of the people said they would not watch the debate if I’m not in it. Wow- what an honor!
28 Jan, 2016
FOX debate advertising rates falling like a rock! Tune into my special event for the Veterans at 9pm EST!
28 Jan, 2016
Thank you- Lexington, South Carolina! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
27 Jan, 2016
On Greta, 87% of the people said they would not watch the debate if I’m not in it. Wow- what an honor!
27 Jan, 2016
It was the childishly written & taunting PR statement by Fox that made me not do the debate, more so than lightweight reporter, @megynkelly.
27 Jan, 2016
FOX debate advertising rates falling like a rock! Tune into my special event for the Veterans at 9pm EST!
27 Jan, 2016
I will be interviewed on @oreillyfactor tonight at 8:00 P.M. (Eastern). Enjoy!
27 Jan, 2016
I am self funding my campaign so I do not owe anything to lobbyists & special interests.
27 Jan, 2016
RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: LIMBAUGH: By not showing, he’s owning entire event…
27 Jan, 2016
Amazing evening in Lexington, South Carolina tonight! THANK YOU for your incredible support! Do not forget to get out and VOTE on Saturday, February 20, 2016! It is so important! TOGETHER- we will MAKE...
27 Jan, 2016
Show your neighbors who you’re supporting! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
27 Jan, 2016
Even though I beat him in the first six debates, especially the last one, Ted Cruz wants to debate me again. Can we do it in Canada?
27 Jan, 2016
Just got to listen to Rush Limbaugh – the guy is fantastic!
27 Jan, 2016
Even though I beat him in the first six debates, especially the last one, Ted Cruz wants to debate me again. Can we do it in Canada?
27 Jan, 2016
I refuse to call Megyn Kelly a bimbo, because that would not be politically correct. Instead I will only call her a lightweight reporter!
27 Jan, 2016
The statement put out yesterday by @FoxNews was a disgrace to good broadcasting and journalism. Who would ever say something so nasty & dumb
27 Jan, 2016
I refuse to call Megyn Kelly a bimbo, because that would not be politically correct. Instead I will only call her a lightweight reporter!
27 Jan, 2016
I am self funding my campaign so I do not owe anything to lobbyists and special interests. I will bring the greatest negotiators and smartest operators to Washington to help Make America Great Again!...
27 Jan, 2016
An honor to be endorsed by Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Iowa last night! Thank you! Iowa caucus finder:
27 Jan, 2016
CBS’s FACE THE NATION – Posts Largest Audience Since 2001 #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
26 Jan, 2016
Pathetic attempt by @foxnews to try and build up ratings for the #GOPDebate. Without me they’d have no ratings!
26 Jan, 2016
Thank you, America! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
26 Jan, 2016
TRUMP CAMPAIGN STATEMENT ON FOX NEWS DEBATE (New York, NY) January 26th, 2016 – As someone who wrote one of the best-selling business books of all time, The Art of the Deal, who has...
26 Jan, 2016
“Trump shows complete domination of Facebook conversation”
26 Jan, 2016
“Minorities Line Up Behind Donald Trump” #Trump2016