Trump Tweet on 1/25/16 13:46: I want to win for the . . .
I want to win for the people of this great country. The only people I will owe are the voters. #Trump2016 Video:
25 Jan, 2016
I want to win for the people of this great country. The only people I will owe are the voters. #Trump2016 Video:
25 Jan, 2016
IPSOS/REUTERS POLL Thank you! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
25 Jan, 2016
It’s time for Ted Cruz to either settle his problem with the FACT that he was born in Canada and was a citizen of Canada, or get out of race
25 Jan, 2016
Obama’s deal vs. Trump’s deals
25 Jan, 2016
I want to win for the people of this great country. The only people I will owe are the voters. The media, special interests, and lobbyists are all trying to stop me. We won’t...
25 Jan, 2016
“@Rketeltas: Rubio isn’t experienced enough to be Commander in Chief. Rubio is a carbon copy of Obama. We need a true leader Vote Trump”
25 Jan, 2016
“@red77angelluis: @realDonaldTrump @NeilTurner_ @YouTube LET’S GET TRUMP!! GO TRUMP!! USA!USA!”
25 Jan, 2016
“@MrJuuon: #WeAreBernie will be overtaken by #WeWantTrump. We are superior and have more supporters. #makeamericagreatagain #trump.”
25 Jan, 2016
“@Knight276: @C4Constitution trump right again #With_Cruz_you_lose! Nobody supports Canuck Cruz #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #trump2016
25 Jan, 2016
“@Tuggers56: @PMgeezer Hillary is so afraid of him. The GOP is afraid of him. The American people embrace him! Let’s elect him, DonaldTrump
24 Jan, 2016
“@JoeNBC: From Canada to Goldman Sachs to the kitchen sink, Trump has picked Cruz apart for 2 weeks.”
24 Jan, 2016
“@MaryAnn1942: @realDonaldTrump @CBSNews … You are like Superman, everywhere! But I’m keeping up. Great!
24 Jan, 2016
RT @JoeNBC: Trump +15 on Cruz in 2 weeks. Cruz may look back and ask why he ever attacked Trump. DT has killed him ever since. https://t.c…
24 Jan, 2016
“@M0ther0f2kids: @meetthepress @NBCNews @clewandowski Everyone B smart! U know deep down Trump is the ONLY 1 able to best LEAD”
24 Jan, 2016
“@NeilTurner:_ @realDonaldTrump It’s time we take America back! No more puppet presidents! #VoteTrump” So true!
24 Jan, 2016
“@keksec__org: @realDonaldTrump You said it best! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain”
24 Jan, 2016
Fox News Poll Thank you, New Hampshire! #FITN #Trump2016
24 Jan, 2016
The latest Fox News polls were released for Iowa & New Hampshire. THANK YOU for all of your support! We will MAKE AMERICA SAFE & GREAT AGAIN together- if everyone gets out to vote....
24 Jan, 2016
New Fox News Poll Thank you, Iowa! #Trump2016 #IACaucus
24 Jan, 2016
I will make our Military so big, powerful & strong that no one will mess with us. #Trump2016
24 Jan, 2016
THANK YOU for all of your support- Muscatine, Iowa! Everyone get out and VOTE on 2/1/2016! You can find your caucus site here: – THANK YOU!
24 Jan, 2016
I will be on Face The Nation this morning at various times across the U.S. @CBSNews Enjoy!
24 Jan, 2016
I will be on @meetthepress this morning at various times across the U.S. @NBCNews Enjoy!
24 Jan, 2016
“@deacon6375: @realDonaldTrump i honestly believe you are the only one who can make #AmericaGreatAgain.
24 Jan, 2016
“@noamscheiber: Dow down almost 2000 pts since start of year, but still outperforming Wall Street’s investment in Jeb.
24 Jan, 2016
“@snoozinglion1: .@realDonaldTrump Great comment after last rally @rightside on @YouTube “Triumph with Trump or lose with Cruz.” #Excellent”
24 Jan, 2016
“@CarolBurnett3: @AnnCoulter I just love the way Ann Coulter remembers your acts of kindness Donald Trump….GO Trump we love you”
24 Jan, 2016
“@snoozinglion1: Full Speech: Donald Trump Campaign Rally in Pella IA (1-23-16) via @YouTube One of his best ever”
24 Jan, 2016
I will make our Military so big, powerful and strong that no one will mess with us. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
24 Jan, 2016
Love making correct predictions. National Review is over. review-doomed
24 Jan, 2016
Word is that crying @GlennBeck left the GOP and doesn’t have the right to vote in the Republican primary. Dumb as a rock.
24 Jan, 2016
Serious doubt in Illinois as to whether or not Cruz can run for President. First of many challenges.
23 Jan, 2016
Just left a great event in Pella. Going to church tomorrow in Muscatine, Iowa.
23 Jan, 2016
I will be on FOX with the great @JudgeJeanine tonight at 9pm EST! Enjoy! #Trump2016
23 Jan, 2016
.@williebosshog such an honor to get your endorsement. You are a fantastic guy! It will not be forgotten. Don and Eric say hello!
23 Jan, 2016
For the great people of Iowa, find your #IACaucus location at So important to vote! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
23 Jan, 2016
Heading now to Pella, Iowa. Big crowd! Remember, Trump is a big buyer of Pella windows. See you soon!
23 Jan, 2016
Just left Sioux Center, Iowa. My speech was very well received. Truly great people! Packed house- overflow!
23 Jan, 2016
Just watched Jeb’s ad where he desperately needed mommy to help him. Jeb — mom can’t help you with ISIS, the Chinese or with Putin.
23 Jan, 2016
A wonderful story on Iowa voters by @arappeport of the @NYTimes.
23 Jan, 2016
Failing @GlennBeck lost all credibility. Not only was he fired @ FOX, he would have voted for Clinton over McCain.
23 Jan, 2016
Based on @MegynKelly’s conflict of interest and bias she should not be allowed to be a moderator of the next debate.
23 Jan, 2016
Heading to Sioux County, Iowa, where the crowd is amazing. Dr. Robert Jeffress will make the introduction. Make America Great Again!
23 Jan, 2016
Ted Cruz poll numbers are down big. Because he was born in Canada and was, until recently, a Canadian citizen, many believe he cannot run!
23 Jan, 2016
I am in Iowa watching all of these phony T.V. ads by the other candidates. All bull, politicians are all talk and no action-it won’t happen!
23 Jan, 2016
.@AnnCoulter has been amazing. We will win and establish strong borders, we will build a WALL and Mexico will pay. We will be great again!
23 Jan, 2016
THANK YOU, IOWA! Very grateful for all of your support today! Remember the significance of getting out to caucus on February 1, 2016! Questions as to where your caucus site is? Go to
23 Jan, 2016
I will be the greatest job-producing president in American history. #Trump2016 #VoteTrump
23 Jan, 2016
“@noamscheiber: Dow down almost 2000 pts since start of year, but still outperforming Wall Street’s investment in Jeb. JEB wants Common Core
23 Jan, 2016
“@LukeBrinker: One year from today.”