Trump Tweet on 1/23/16 13:29: I am in Iowa. Will be . . .
I am in Iowa. Will be making two speeches today. Good luck to all of the great folks on the East coast. Enjoy the beauty of the storm!
23 Jan, 2016
I am in Iowa. Will be making two speeches today. Good luck to all of the great folks on the East coast. Enjoy the beauty of the storm!
23 Jan, 2016
“@TheSouthwasRite: @NRO cancelling my subscription- you people are idiots. @realDonaldTrump WILL be our next President. #Trump2016 #RNC”
23 Jan, 2016
Failing Glenn Beck lost all credibility. Not only was he fired at FOX, he would have voted for Hillary Clinton over John McCain.
23 Jan, 2016
I am in Iowa watching all of these phony T.V. ads by the other candidates. All bull, politicians are all talk and no action-it won’t happen! Time to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
23 Jan, 2016
I will be the greatest job-producing president in American history. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
23 Jan, 2016
A wonderful article by a writer who truly gets it. I am for the people and the people are for me. #Trump2016
23 Jan, 2016
Is Cruz honest? He is in bed w/ Wall St. & is funded by Goldman Sachs/Citi, low interest loans. No legal disclosure & never sold off assets.
23 Jan, 2016
Cruz did not renounce his Canadian citizenship as a US Senator- only when he started to run for #POTUS. He could be Canadian Prime Minister.
23 Jan, 2016
Cruz says I supported TARP, which gave $25 million to Goldman Sachs, the bank which loaned him the money he didn’t disclose. Puppet!
23 Jan, 2016
The only reason irrelevant @GlennBeck doesn’t like me is I refused to do his failing show – asked many times. Very few listeners – sad!
23 Jan, 2016
.@BrentBozell, one of the National Review lightweights, came to my office begging for money like a dog. Why doesn’t he say that?
23 Jan, 2016
Just watched Jeb’s ad where he desperately needed mommy to help him. Jeb — mom can’t help you with ISIS, the Chinese or with Putin.
22 Jan, 2016
Ted Cruz went down big in just released Reuters poll – what’s going on? Is it Goldman Sachs/Citi loans or Canada?
22 Jan, 2016
Rush Limbaugh is great, tells it as he sees it—really honorable guy! Thanks Rush! #Trump2016
22 Jan, 2016
The tax scam Washington Post does among the most inaccurate stories of all. Really dishonest reporting.
22 Jan, 2016
Just received the new Fox poll. Thank you, America! #Trump2016
22 Jan, 2016
Wow! New National Zogby Poll just out:.TRUMP 45. CRUZ 13. RUBIO 8. Big numbers.
22 Jan, 2016
Leaving Nevada now for Iowa. Things are looking good – great new polls!
22 Jan, 2016
New National GOP Zogby Poll #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
22 Jan, 2016
“National Black Republican Association Endorses Donald J. Trump” #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
22 Jan, 2016
New Reuters poll! Thank you! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
22 Jan, 2016
The dying @NRO National Review has totally given up the fight against Barrack Obama. They have been losing for years. I will beat Hillary!
22 Jan, 2016
Wow! This might be my highest # yet! Thank you to my opposition- you are totally ineffective & have been for years!
22 Jan, 2016
The highly respected Zogby national poll was released- with a new ceiling. THANK YOU for all of your support. WE will MAKE AMERICA SAFE & GREAT AGAIN! Everyone needs to get out & VOTE...
22 Jan, 2016
“@WhiteGenocideTM: @realDonaldTrump Poor Jeb. I could’ve sworn I saw him outside Trump Tower the other day!”
22 Jan, 2016
“@Lisa_Milicaj: Truth be told, I never heard of The National Review until they “tried” to declare war on you. No worries, you got my vote!”
22 Jan, 2016
After spending $89 million, @JebBush is at the bottom of the barrel in polls. He is ashamed to use the name “Bush” in ads. Low energy guy!
22 Jan, 2016
The failing @NRO National Review Magazine has just been informed by the Republican National Committee that they cannot participate in debate
22 Jan, 2016
“@MiamiNewTimes: Poll: Trump has more support in Florida than Rubio and Bush combined.”
22 Jan, 2016
“@CyberCiety: #MaryBrigidMcManamon clarified how #CommonLaw is used to interpret meaning of #NaturalBorn #TedCruz”
22 Jan, 2016
“@D: #MaryBrigidMcManamon, Washington Post: Constitutionally speaking, #Cruz simply isn’t eligible to be president”
22 Jan, 2016
Highly respected Constitutional law professor Mary Brigid McManamon has just stated, “Ted Cruz is not eligible to be President.” Big problem
22 Jan, 2016
“@TruBluMajority: #laurencetribe calls Cruz “constitutional hypocrite” on @WBUR @pbsgwen @charlierose @jaketapper
22 Jan, 2016
#TedCruz eligibility to be President not settled law, says Cruz’ Constitutional Law Professor, #LaurenceTribe”
22 Jan, 2016
“@NeilTurner:_ @realDonaldTrump With your help we can #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! #VoteTrump”
22 Jan, 2016
“@realOllieTaylor: Isn’t it time we had a president? Let goofy Glen keep Canada Cruz who can’t win. The American people have Trump!”
22 Jan, 2016
“@BornToBeGOP: @realDonaldTrump No sleep for the #TrumpTrain!”
22 Jan, 2016
Ted Cruz complains about my views on eminent domain, but without it we wouldn’t have roads, highways, airports, schools or even pipelines.
22 Jan, 2016
Donald Trump 1st Republican Presidential Candidate to Beat the Iowa Bureaucracy and Figure Out How to Easily Access Caucus Locations. #Trump2016
22 Jan, 2016
Ted Cruz isn’t tough on immigration. He stood up for amnesty, not for Americans. President Trump will be the tough leader that America needs. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
22 Jan, 2016
RT @williebosshog: Make America Great Again! #Trump2016
22 Jan, 2016
The late, great, William F. Buckley would be ashamed of what had happened to his prize, the dying National Review!
22 Jan, 2016
National Review is a failing publication that has lost it’s way. It’s circulation is way down w its influence being at an all time low. Sad!
22 Jan, 2016
Very few people read the National Review because it only knows how to criticize, but not how to lead.
22 Jan, 2016
Thank you, Iowa! #FITN #IACaucus #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
22 Jan, 2016
Why does @Greta have a fired Bushy like dummy, John Sununu on- spewing false info? I will beat Hillary by a lot, she wants no part of Trump.
22 Jan, 2016
I am truly honored to receive Willie Robertson’s endorsement tonight! He is a great person, has had tremendous success and a really terrific family. He believes in my message and knows that I am...
21 Jan, 2016
#Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
21 Jan, 2016
Thank you! #Trump2016
21 Jan, 2016
Thank you, New Hampshire! #Trump2016