Trump Tweet on 1/19/16 14:44: Really disgusting that . . .
Really disgusting that the failing New York Times allows dishonest writers to totally fabricate stories.
19 Jan, 2016
Really disgusting that the failing New York Times allows dishonest writers to totally fabricate stories.
19 Jan, 2016
.@tedcruz Conflicting Stances on Birthright Citizenship [14th Amendment] Gives #TeamTrump credit.
19 Jan, 2016
A true honor to receive the endorsement of John Wayne’s daughter, Aissa Wayne. “So proud that if John were here today, he would have endorsed Trump” – strength!
19 Jan, 2016
Wow, new polls just out have Trump up and Cruz down – he is a nervous wreck!
19 Jan, 2016
Falwell supports Trump: STRONG message delivered at Liberty University. Watch his strong testimony here:
19 Jan, 2016
Thank you for your strong testimony when welcoming me to Liberty University, yesterday- Jerry Falwell.
19 Jan, 2016
$19 trillion of debt and growing is a crushing burden to leave young Americans.
19 Jan, 2016
.@TheBrodyFile great job on @AC360. Thank you for the very smart and kind words!
19 Jan, 2016
“.@TheBrodyFile Exclusive: @realDonaldTrump Says He Will Protect Evangelicals Better Than @tedcruz… #CBNNews #2016”
19 Jan, 2016
I don’t think Ted Cruz can even run for President until he can assure Republican voters that being born in Canada is not a problem. Doubt!
19 Jan, 2016
Ted Cruz is falling in the polls. He is nervous. People are worried about his place of birth and his failure to report his loans from banks!
18 Jan, 2016
I loved being at Liberty University today! Record setting crowd, unbelievable people! Thank you Jerry and Becki!
18 Jan, 2016
A great day on the campaign trail with my daughter, Ivanka Trump. Here we are in New Hampshire this afternoon. I am proud of all my children, and grateful for their support. They will...
18 Jan, 2016
We launched a new series of #Trump2016 videos via Facebook. A new topic everyday! Watch:
18 Jan, 2016
A great morning with everyone @LibertyU! Thank you! Off to New Hampshire now. #Trump2016
18 Jan, 2016
A great afternoon in Concord, New Hampshire! THANK YOU! I am grateful for all of your support- over the past 8 months. Remember the significance of voting in 2016! We ALL have to get...
18 Jan, 2016
Just a reminder that Ted Cruz supported liberal Justice John Roberts who gave us #Obamacare.
18 Jan, 2016
Leaving for Liberty University. I’ll be speaking today in front of a record crowd. #Trump2016
18 Jan, 2016
Thank you @IvankaTrump for the kind words. I am very proud of the role model you are for so many. NH & IA radio ad:
18 Jan, 2016
Thank you for a fabulous morning, Liberty University! Your support was incredible. Heading to New Hampshire now – I am in this to WIN it! We need to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
18 Jan, 2016
Thank you Ivanka Trump for the kind words. I am very proud of the role model you are for so many.
18 Jan, 2016
“@pbralick: @BenKissel great on @greggutfeld @GregGutfeldShow @JoNosuchinsky too” Thank you Ben for your nice comments on debate!
17 Jan, 2016
I am self-funding my campaign – putting up my own money, not controlled. Cruz is spending $millions on ads paid for by his N.Y. bosses.
17 Jan, 2016
Far more killed than anticipated in radical Islamic terror attack yesterday. Get tough and smart U.S., or we won’t have a country anymore!
17 Jan, 2016
I am self-funding my campaign – putting up my own money, not controlled. Cruz is spending $millions on ads paid for by his N.Y. bosses.
17 Jan, 2016
Big announcement in Ames, Iowa on Tuesday! You will not want to miss this rally! #Trump2016
17 Jan, 2016
Iran is going to buy 114 jetliners with a small part of the $150 billion we are giving them…but they won’t buy from U.S., rather Airbus!
17 Jan, 2016
Thank you West Coast Choppers Official – Jesse James!
17 Jan, 2016
In Iran deal we get 4 prisoners. They get $150 billion, 7 most wanted and many off watch list. This will create great incentive for others!
17 Jan, 2016
In Iran deal we get 4 prisoners. They get $150 billion, 7 most wanted and many off watch list. This will create great incentive for others!
17 Jan, 2016
Join me on Tuesday, January 19th at the Iowa State University Hansen Agricultural Student Learning Center in Ames, Iowa! I will have a major announcement and a very special guest in attendance. You will...
17 Jan, 2016
Good morning! Do not forget how important it is to vote in 2016!
17 Jan, 2016
Interesting read from Peggy Noonan.
16 Jan, 2016
Ted Cruz was born in Canada and was a Canadian citizen until 15 months ago. Lawsuits have just been filed with more to follow. I told you so!
16 Jan, 2016
Is this the New York that Ted Cruz is talking about & demeaning?
16 Jan, 2016
Wow! Ted Cruz received $487K in campaign contributions, $11M from a NY hedge fund mogul, & $1M low int. loan from Goldman Sachs. Hypocrite
16 Jan, 2016
Departing NH now- great morning with record crowd in Portsmouth- in a snow storm! Thank you!
16 Jan, 2016
Greatly dishonest of @TedCruz to file a financial disclosure form & not list his lending banks- then pretend he is going to clean up Wall St
16 Jan, 2016
When will @TedCruz give all the New York based campaign contributions back to the special interests that control him.
16 Jan, 2016
Everybody that loves the people of New York, and all they have been thru, should get hypocrites like Ted Cruz out of politics!
16 Jan, 2016
Departing South Carolina. Thank you to everyone who came out to support! Have a great evening!
16 Jan, 2016
If Ted Cruz is so opposed to gay marriage, why did he accept money from people who espouse gay marriage?
16 Jan, 2016
Ted is the ultimate hypocrite. Says one thing for money, does another for votes.
16 Jan, 2016
Everyone needs to get out to their caucus sites on February 1, 2016 & VOTE TRUMP! Never been before? Have questions? Watch this brief video on the entire process and you will be ready...
16 Jan, 2016
Great new numbers. Thank you! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
16 Jan, 2016
Ted Cruz purposely, and illegally, did not list on his personal disclosure form personally guaranteed loans from banks. They own him!
16 Jan, 2016
A great morning in Portsmouth, New Hampshire! I thank everyone in NH for their support!
16 Jan, 2016
Based on the fact that Ted Cruz was born in Canada and is therefore a “natural born Canadian,” did he borrow unreported loans from C banks?
16 Jan, 2016
Oh no, just reported that Ted Cruz didn’t report another loan, this one from Citi. Wow, no wonder banks do so well in the U.S. Senate.
16 Jan, 2016
The Ted Cruz wiseguy apology to the people of New York is a disgrace. Remember, his wife’s employer, and his lender, is located there!