Trump Tweet on 1/16/16 11:52: Was there another loan . . .
Was there another loan that Ted Cruz FORGOT to file. Goldman Sachs owns him, he will do anything they demand. Not much of a reformer!
16 Jan, 2016
Was there another loan that Ted Cruz FORGOT to file. Goldman Sachs owns him, he will do anything they demand. Not much of a reformer!
16 Jan, 2016
Ted Cruz said he “didn’t know” that he was a Canadian Citizen. He also FORGOT to file his Goldman Sachs Million $ loan papers.Not believable
16 Jan, 2016
Ted Cruz was born in Canada and was a Canadian citizen until 15 months ago. Lawsuits have just been filed with more to follow. I told you so
16 Jan, 2016
GOOD MORNING AMERICA! I am heading up to New Hampshire now- wanted to thank you for all of your support. We are going to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
16 Jan, 2016
More radical Islam attacks today – it never ends! Strengthen the borders, we must be vigilant and smart. No more being politically correct.
16 Jan, 2016
.@FrankLuntz is a total clown. Has zero credibility! @FoxNews @megynkelly
16 Jan, 2016
.@oreillyfactor please explain to the very dumb and failing @glennbeck that I supported John McCain big league in 2008, not Obama!
16 Jan, 2016
Just got back from Iowa – had a great time with amazing people. Will be back soon!
16 Jan, 2016
.@GeraldoRivera Thank you Geraldo for your nice words on @oreillyfactor tonight. You are a true champion! Thank @ericbolling – great guy!
16 Jan, 2016
“@GeraldoRivera @SenTedCruz got ass kicked by @realDonaldTrump last night-He offended every New Yorker & has no answer to Natural Born issue
15 Jan, 2016
Jusr watched #HarveyPitt on @TeamCavuto – he was great!
15 Jan, 2016
RT @JaniceTaylor912: @DonaldJTrumpJr @Reryan08 @IvankaTrump @EricTrump obvious to all that he raised some GREAT, responsible, patriotic kid…
15 Jan, 2016
Top searched candidate by state, as seen in the #GOPDebate media filing center. WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
15 Jan, 2016
I am very proud of my #NewYorkValues!
15 Jan, 2016
Sen. Lindsey Graham embarrassed himself with his failed run for President and now further embarrasses himself with endorsement of Bush.
15 Jan, 2016
Jeb Bush, who did poorly last night in the debate and whose chances of winning are zero, just got Graham endorsement. Graham quit at O.
15 Jan, 2016
THANK YOU for all of your support- Urbandale, Iowa! I enjoyed my time with all of you today. Let’s ALL get out to caucus on February 1st! We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
15 Jan, 2016
Some GREAT polls that show that we won last night’s debate easily. If elected, I will win for AMERICA! #TrumpTrain #GOPDebate
15 Jan, 2016
GOOD MORNING AMERICA – from IOWA! Sharing my new TV spot, #OurCountry – before you see it on air, starting today. THANK YOU for all of your support. TOGETHER – WE WILL MAKE AMERICA...
14 Jan, 2016
WSJ/NBC Poll: Donald Trump Widens His Lead in Republican Presidential Race. #Trump2016
14 Jan, 2016
“If I’m president there won’t be stupid deals anymore. We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! We will win in everything we do!” #TrumpTrain #GOPDebate
14 Jan, 2016
“If I become president, I want to use what I used to build my company to make America great again. I wouldn’t care about ANYTHING but America!” #TrumpTrain #GOPDebate
14 Jan, 2016
“China is ripping us off on trade. They’re devaluing their currency. And they’re killing our companies. We’ve lost 4 to 7 million jobs because of China. Up to 50,000 manufacturing plants. We have very...
14 Jan, 2016
“We have to stop with political correctness! We have to create a country that won’t have people flying planes into the World Trade Center and stop the shooting in California. If you can’t use...
14 Jan, 2016
“Conservatives actually do come out of Manhattan, including William F Buckley. When the World Trade Center came down, I saw something that no place on earth could have handled better.” #TrumpTrain #GOPDebate
14 Jan, 2016
“I am a Second Amendment person. We have to protect our Second Amendment!”
14 Jan, 2016
“I’m very angry. Because our country is being run horribly. I will gladly accept the mantle of anger. Our military is a disaster. Our healthcare is a horror show. Obamacare, we’re going to repeal...
14 Jan, 2016
“We can’t let all these people come into our country and break our borders.”
14 Jan, 2016
“It’s not fear and terror, it’s reality.”
14 Jan, 2016
“@_BScarb: Enjoyed watching @realDonaldTrump at his rally yesterday! I’ve never seen the Bay Center that packed!”
14 Jan, 2016
“@ameriflames: @realDonaldTrump @CLewandowski_ no one wants a Bush or a Clinton, they want a straight shooter like TRUMP!”
14 Jan, 2016
“@wpjenna: Thousands packed into the Pensacola Bay Center to see Donald Trump tonight…” A fantastic evening!
14 Jan, 2016
“@CLewandowski:_ Massive crowd in Pensacola, Florida! Unbelievable! THANK YOU! #VoteTrump”
14 Jan, 2016
Do you think Iran would have acted so tough if they were Russian sailors? Our country was humiliated.
14 Jan, 2016
“@Bonfiredesigns: Standing with @realDonaldTrump as he defends our sailors and military and Americans in the USA”
14 Jan, 2016
“@melindaross123: @FoxNews @realDonaldTrump There isn’t anything Donald Trump says that I don’t agree with. Go Trump!”
14 Jan, 2016
.@TheBrodyFile: “Trump’s appeal to evangelicals is real” #Trump2016
14 Jan, 2016
Board the #TrumpTrain on my Facebook page at 9EST as my team posts the highlights of #GOPdebate LIVE. Share with us your thoughts and comments on the important subjects we will be discussing.
14 Jan, 2016
It’s not too late! Get your Make America Great Again hat today and join the movement to take America back from the all talk no action politicians!
14 Jan, 2016
The Brody File: “Trump’s appeal to evangelicals is real” #TrumpTrain #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
14 Jan, 2016
Iran humiliated the United States with the capture of our 10 sailors. Horrible pictures & images. We are weak. I will NOT forget!
14 Jan, 2016
THANK YOU Loretta Lynn Official! It is time to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN – will not let you down!
14 Jan, 2016
I will defeat Hillary Clinton – and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
14 Jan, 2016
14 Jan, 2016
United States looks more and more like a paper tiger. Won’t be that way if I win!
14 Jan, 2016
Stuart Stevens is a dumb guy who fails @ virtually everything he touches. Romney campaign,his book,etc. Why does @andersoncooper put him on?
14 Jan, 2016
Iran humiliated the United States with the capture of our 10 sailors. Horrible pictures & images. We are weak. I will NOT forget!
14 Jan, 2016
Why does @CNN & @andersoncooper waste airtime by putting failed campaign strategist, Stuart Stevens – who lost BIG for Romney – on the show?