Trump Tweet on 1/14/16 0:49: .@EricTrump- . . .
.@EricTrump- unbelievable job on #FoxNews with @greta. That was better than I could do! #Trump2016
14 Jan, 2016
.@EricTrump- unbelievable job on #FoxNews with @greta. That was better than I could do! #Trump2016
14 Jan, 2016
THANK YOU – PENSACOLA, FLORIDA! A great night! Remember the significance of VOTING in 2016! Thank you for your support!
13 Jan, 2016
THANK YOU! #VoteTrump
13 Jan, 2016
THANK YOU, IOWA! Highly respected @OANN @GravisMarketing poll just released. #VoteTrump #IowaCaucus
13 Jan, 2016
13 Jan, 2016
Thank you! #VoteTrump
13 Jan, 2016
My nomination would increase voter turnout. #VoteTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
13 Jan, 2016
I have spent the least and am winning BIG. I will run America the same way!
13 Jan, 2016
Sadly, there is no way that Ted Cruz can continue running in the Republican Primary unless he can erase doubt on eligibility. Dems will sue!
13 Jan, 2016
Sadly, there is no way that Ted Cruz can continue running in the Republican Primary unless he can erase doubt on eligibility. Dems will sue!
13 Jan, 2016
“@johnkurkosky: @Carolde @The_Lady_Colors @DRJAMESCABOT @TamiDurling @AceofSpadesHQ THIS ELECTION IS ABOUT AMERICAS FUTURE, VOTE TRUMP”
13 Jan, 2016
Thank you for your support last night, Iowa! #VoteTrump #Trump2016 #IACaucus #FITN #IAPolitics
13 Jan, 2016
Iran toys with U.S. days before we pay them, ridiculously, billions of dollars. Don’t release money. We want our hostages back NOW!
13 Jan, 2016
Like Ronald Reagan, I would inspire more voters.
13 Jan, 2016
Thank you Pat- very kind. I want to MAKE AMERICA SAFE & GREAT AGAIN! Everyone needs to get out & VOTE in 2016!
13 Jan, 2016
Numerous polls have me beating Hillary Clinton. In a race with her, voter turnout will be the highest in U.S. history-I get most new voters!
13 Jan, 2016
The State Of The Union speech was one of the most boring, rambling and non-substantive I have heard in a long time. New leadership fast!
13 Jan, 2016
Just found out that @tedcruz is spending a fortune on Iowa push polls negative to me. Not nice, but OK! New polls are great.
13 Jan, 2016
The #SOTU speech is really boring, slow, lethargic – very hard to watch!
13 Jan, 2016
The Iran deal is terrible. Why didn’t we get the uranium stockpile – it was sent to Russia. #SOTU
13 Jan, 2016
New CBS poll. #Trump2016
12 Jan, 2016
State of the Union speech was really boring, slow, lethargic – very hard to watch!
12 Jan, 2016
A GREAT NIGHT IN IOWA! Thank you for all of your support. Get out and VOTE! TOGETHER we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! #IACaucus #FITN
12 Jan, 2016
Another new Iowa poll just released. Thank you! #IACaucus #FITN
12 Jan, 2016
Such a serious problem for Ted & the GOP. Great doubt, Dems will sue! Let’s all work together to solve this problem.
12 Jan, 2016
On my way to Cedar Falls, Iowa, now. Will be great–I love the people of Iowa!
12 Jan, 2016
Remember- we ALL need to VOTE! Thank you for your continued support!
12 Jan, 2016
THANK YOU! #Trump2016
12 Jan, 2016
I am very honored by this article from highly respected Chris Cillizza.
12 Jan, 2016
Love seeing union & non-union members alike are defecting to Trump. I will create jobs like no one else. Their #Dem leaders can’t compete!
12 Jan, 2016
The Tonight Show begins in 5 minutes. Enjoy!
12 Jan, 2016
.@stuartpstevens horrible advise to Mitt Romney made victory an impossibility. Don’t blame Mitt! Now Stevens can’t get a job!
12 Jan, 2016
“@CLewandowski:_ .@stuartpstevens –failed “strategist” who can’t find clients criticizes winning #TeamTrump. Stop complaining & try winning
12 Jan, 2016
Fantastic job on @CNN tonight. @kayleighmcenany is a winner! @donlemon
12 Jan, 2016
Don’t forget to watch The Tonight Show with the wonderful @jimmyfallon at 11:30 P.M. You will not be disappointed! @NBC
12 Jan, 2016
Face The Nation’s interview of me was the highest rated show that they have had in 15 years. Congratulations and WOW! @CBSNews @jdickerson
12 Jan, 2016
.@MajorCBS Major Garrett of @CBSNews covers me very inaccurately. Total agenda, bad reporter!
12 Jan, 2016
Thank you Michael Harrison @Talkersmagazine for your kind words – greatly appreciated!
11 Jan, 2016
Will be on @FallonTonight with @JimmyFallon on @NBC at 11:35pmE. Enjoy! #Trump2016
11 Jan, 2016
Will be on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon on NBC at 11:35pmE. Enjoy! #Trump2016 Jimmy Fallon
11 Jan, 2016
.@megynkelly recently said that she can’t be wooed by Trump. She is so average in every way, who the hell wants to woo her!
11 Jan, 2016
New Iowa poll. Thank you! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
11 Jan, 2016
Congratulations to @jdickerson of Face the Nation on his highest ratings in 15 years. 4.6 million people watched my interview! Thank you!
11 Jan, 2016
.@RinglingBros is retiring their elephants– the circus will never be the same.
11 Jan, 2016
Thank you, Kathleen. I have far more respect for women than Hillary Clinton does.
11 Jan, 2016
Just arrived in New Hampshire. Thank you to all of my supporters! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
11 Jan, 2016
So professional of @ABC news to throw out the failing @UnionLeader newspaper from their debate. Paper won’t survive, highly unethical!
11 Jan, 2016
Great job on Fox this morning @KatiePavlich. I am sending out for your book immediately. Thank you very much!