Trump Tweet on 1/11/16 14:18: Congratulations to my . . .
Congratulations to my friend @TheSlyStallone on winning a #GoldenGlobe. A wonderful guy- who has created something special- well deserved!
11 Jan, 2016
Congratulations to my friend @TheSlyStallone on winning a #GoldenGlobe. A wonderful guy- who has created something special- well deserved!
11 Jan, 2016
Why does @ThisWeekABC w/ @GStephanopoulos allow a hater & racist like @tavissmiley to waste good airtime? @ABC can do much better than him!
11 Jan, 2016
A very special morning in Windham, New Hampshire! THANK YOU for the incredible amount of support. There is no question – that if everyone gets out to VOTE- WE are going to MAKE AMERICA...
11 Jan, 2016
Congratulations to my friend Sylvester Stallone on winning a Golden Globe. A wonderful guy- who has created something special- well deserved! I also appreciate the kind words, Sly! I will make you proud.
11 Jan, 2016
One of our country’s most respected women- thank you so much Phyllis!
11 Jan, 2016
Thank you to our law enforcement officers! #LESM #Trump2016
10 Jan, 2016
Union Leader refuses to comment as to why they were kicked out of the ABC News debate like a dog. For starters, try getting a new publisher!
10 Jan, 2016
Thank you to our law enforcement officers! #LESM #Trump2016
10 Jan, 2016
If their highly unethical behavior, including begging me for ads, isn’t questionable enough, they have endorsed a candidate who can’t win.
10 Jan, 2016
This is really unfair and a conflict for all the other candidates. I said it should not be allowed and ABC agreed.
10 Jan, 2016
UL has lost all credibility under Joe McQuaid w circulation dropping to record lows. They aren’t worthy of representing the great people NH.
10 Jan, 2016
I am pleased to announce that I had the Union Leader removed from the upcoming debate.
10 Jan, 2016
Remember, get TIME magazine! I am on the cover. Take it out in 4 years and read it again! Just watch…
10 Jan, 2016
A very special day in Reno, Nevada! THANK YOU for the incredible amount of support at todays rally- with 5,000+ strong! There is no question- that if everyone gets out to VOTE- WE are...
10 Jan, 2016
Heading now for Reno, Nevada, for a big rally. Good poll numberd all over!
10 Jan, 2016
In the just out @FoxNews Poll, I easily beat Hillary Clinton – and I havn’t even focused on her yet. On our way: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
10 Jan, 2016
Yesterday in Iowa was amazing – two speeches in front of two great sold out crowds. They love that I am the only candidate self-funding!
10 Jan, 2016
I am pleased to announce that I had the Union Leader removed from the upcoming debate. If their highly unethical behavior, including continually begging me for ads, isn’t questionable enough, they have endorsed a...
10 Jan, 2016
In the just out Fox News Poll, I easily beat Hillary Clinton – and I havn’t even focused on her yet. On our way: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
10 Jan, 2016
“@redletter99: Trump pummels his opponents – and the press | SunHerald @realDonaldTrump” Thank you!
10 Jan, 2016
I just received this great photo of Donald Trump Jr. with Iowa Governor Terry Branstad- who is now the longest serving Governor in U.S. history! CONGRATULATIONS Gov. Branstad! Don was in Appanoose County, Iowa...
10 Jan, 2016
If you are still undecided on who to vote for in the upcoming primary, you need to watch this great video that a supporter put together. This is a true movement and we will...
10 Jan, 2016
I want to thank the people of Iowa for an unbelievable day. The crowds were amazing. Will be back Tuesday!
10 Jan, 2016
I will be interviewed by Chris Wallace on Fox tomorrow morning. Tune in!
10 Jan, 2016
Will be on Meet the Press with @ChuckTodd tomorrow morning. Enjoy!
9 Jan, 2016
I had a great day in Iowa today with everyone! Thank you for all of your support in both Ottumwa & Clear Lake! Remember the importance of getting out to VOTE in this election!...
9 Jan, 2016
I’m protesting the @UnionLeader from having anything to do w/ ABC debate. Their unethical record doesn’t give them the right to be involved!
9 Jan, 2016
(1/2) Time Magazine has me on the cover this week. David Von Drehle has written one of the best stories I have ever had.
9 Jan, 2016
(2/2) David brilliantly tells it like it is — the real deal! Read it!
9 Jan, 2016
Thank you so much. Earnest must have been a great person.
9 Jan, 2016
.@JonahNRO, watched on @seanhannity and appreciate your statements — I have been waiting for them for a long time. Thank you.
9 Jan, 2016
Thank you, @TheFix- Chris Cillizza. It is a true person of character that can change his opinion & do what is right.
9 Jan, 2016
Constitutional law expert #Laurence Tribe of Harvard says “wrong to say it (natural born citizen) is a settled matter-it isn’t settled).
9 Jan, 2016
Time Magazine has me on the cover this week. David Von Drehle has written one of the best stories I have ever had. He brilliantly tells it like it is — the real deal!...
9 Jan, 2016
South Carolina rally last night was so unbelievably exciting (and fun). I am now off to Iowa for two big rallies – packed houses. Love it!
9 Jan, 2016
Pat Buchanan gave a fantastic interview this morning on @CNN – way to go Pat, way ahead of your time!
9 Jan, 2016
A great defender of women’s rights? You decide.
9 Jan, 2016
Great even in SC tonight! Fire Marshall would not let everyone in– 5,000 turned away. Thank you for coming!
8 Jan, 2016
Will be at venue, in wonderful South Carolina, very soon. Big traffic back-up, tremendous crowd! Will be wild.
8 Jan, 2016
#FoxNews Poll – THANK YOU! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
8 Jan, 2016
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
8 Jan, 2016
Love seeing union & non-union members alike are defecting to Trump. I will create jobs like no one else. Their #Dem leaders can’t compete!
8 Jan, 2016
I hope all workers demand that their @Teamsters reps endorse Donald J. Trump. Nobody knows jobs like I do! Don’t let them sell you out!
8 Jan, 2016
THANK YOU for a GREAT evening Rock Hill, South Carolina! I appreciate all of your support. Remember the significance of getting out to VOTE in 2016 – and WE will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
8 Jan, 2016
On my way to South Carolina. Big Crowd— look forward to it!
8 Jan, 2016
Not good news for Jeb Bush
8 Jan, 2016
New Fox News poll just released. THANK YOU for your continued support, AMERICA! WE are going to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Remember the significance of getting out to vote in 2016!
8 Jan, 2016
Hank Greenberg, formerly of AIG, gave $10 million to the @JebBush campaign 3 months ago. He is not happy, a total waste of money!
8 Jan, 2016
New Poll: 74% of Republicans think I will be the nominee. This will only happen if all of my great supporters vote. Make sure you are registered to vote in your upcoming primary so...