Trump Tweet on 12/31/15 10:10: “@InsideGym: The Most . . .
“@InsideGym: The Most Influential U.S. Gymnasts Of All Time: @NastiaLiukin @ShawnJohnson @ASAQ_3” Fantastic Shawn
31 Dec, 2015
“@InsideGym: The Most Influential U.S. Gymnasts Of All Time: @NastiaLiukin @ShawnJohnson @ASAQ_3” Fantastic Shawn
31 Dec, 2015
People ask, “why do you tweet and re-tweet to millions about @JebBush when he is so low in the polls?” Because of his big $ hit ads on me!
31 Dec, 2015
“@ddpick18: @realDonaldTrump @JebBush @hughhewitt I get pissed off every time I see his ads on Fox. Waste of money! Go Trump!” Many do!
31 Dec, 2015
“@nikkisue69: @realDonaldTrump @JebBush @hughhewitt Jeb is such a lightweight”
31 Dec, 2015
“@Luciano031982: @realDonaldTrump Veterans Love Trump” But I love the VETS even more!
31 Dec, 2015
“@Trump2016Donald: @realDonaldTrump @JebBush @hughhewitt Patriots for trump!”
31 Dec, 2015
Thank you for this amazing honor to be named man of the year!
31 Dec, 2015
.@JebBush has spent $63,000,000 and is at the bottom of the polls. I have spent almost nothing and am at the top. WIN! @hughhewitt
31 Dec, 2015
“@BentleyforTrump: @realDonaldTrump ALL OF AMERICA LOVES TRUMP!ðŸ‘ðŸ‘☺ #TrumpOrNobody2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain” Thank you.
31 Dec, 2015
A GREAT day in South Carolina. Record crowd and fantastic enthusiasm. This is now a movement to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
31 Dec, 2015
I predict that dying @UnionLeader newspaper, which has been run into the ground by publisher “Stinky” Joe McQuaid, will be dead in 2 years!
30 Dec, 2015
A lovely letter from the daughter of the late great John Wayne. Our country could use a John Wayne right now.
30 Dec, 2015
Great poll- thank you Nevada! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
30 Dec, 2015
I’m going to be live with @ericbolling and @kimguilfoyle to ring in the New Year 2016. Everybody should tune in to @foxnews tomorrow night!
30 Dec, 2015
Thank you Hilton Head, South Carolina! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
30 Dec, 2015
Thank you Hilton Head, South Carolina! @SCTeamTrump #Trump2016
30 Dec, 2015
A lovely letter from the daughter of the late great John Wayne. Our country could use a John Wayne right now.
30 Dec, 2015
I never thought I’d be saying this but I’ve really enjoyed @RichLowry on television lately, and he was terrific hosting @seanhannity
30 Dec, 2015
Joe McQuaid (@deucecrew) is desperately trying to sell the @UnionLeader. It’s a loser, and my comments haven’t helped him much.
30 Dec, 2015
The dying @UnionLeader newspaper in NH is in turmoil over my comments about them- like a bully that got knocked out!
30 Dec, 2015
THANK YOU Hilton Head, South Carolina! Remember- while the polls look great for us- if we do not get out and VOTE, they mean nothing. Thank you for all of your support!
30 Dec, 2015
“@bfb123456: @trumpiowa @PlaysTrumpCard @realDonaldTrump WOW! FANTASTIC!. WHO KNEW AMERICANS WERE SO SMART? GREAT TO KNOW WE’RE so smart”
30 Dec, 2015
“@TruthisAll1: @realDonaldTrump @CharlesHurt @seanhannity Good morning, Mr. Trump. You’re so AWESOME. #Trump2016”
30 Dec, 2015
“@hammetjohn: DonaldTrump – How do u do it Donald. No one could keep up with u at your pace. Shows how hard u will work for us as President”
30 Dec, 2015
“@Hashtag1USA: @realDonaldTrump what do you think of Jeb cancelling his Iowa rally last night ?” I went, he didn’t!
30 Dec, 2015
“@videosigninc: @realDonaldTrump Keep the momentum going Mr. Trump. All the best to you for the New Year. Make America Great Again !” Thanks
30 Dec, 2015
Iowa was fantastic last night, amazing crowd and people. I’m now in Florida, getting ready to go to South Carolina. Big crowd, very exciting
30 Dec, 2015
.@CharlesHurt You were great on @seanhannity last night. Thanks for the nice words. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
30 Dec, 2015
THANK YOU Council Bluffs, Iowa! The silent majority, is silent no more! #Trump2016 #FITN
30 Dec, 2015
The great people of New Hampshire, who I love, are not properly served by the dying Union Leader newspaper.
30 Dec, 2015
Joe McQuaid (@deucecrew) of the dying Union Leader wanted ads, lunches, donations, speeches from me, and tweets—very unethical.
30 Dec, 2015
Shows how dumb Joe McQuaid (@deucecrew) of the dying Union Leader is to put out the letter I wrote saying why I didn’t do his failed debate!
29 Dec, 2015
New #ReutersPoll. Thank you America! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
29 Dec, 2015
I just departed Council Bluffs, Iowa! A GREAT evening- THANK YOU! It is very clear that the silent majority is silent NO MORE! Together, WE will ALL #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! Thank you!
29 Dec, 2015
I agree with my great daughter, Ivanka Trump- when she said, “I think he’s one of the great advocates for women.” A great piece via Town and Country Magazine. I am very proud of...
29 Dec, 2015
I hope @TGowdySC does better for Rubio than he did at the #Benghazi hearings, which were a total disaster for Republicans & America!
29 Dec, 2015
We need a real President!
29 Dec, 2015
Looking forward to being in Council Bluffs, Iowa, later today. Despite weather, rally is on — will be fantastic! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
29 Dec, 2015
So, I have spent almost nothing on my run for president and am in 1st place. Jeb Bush has spent $59 million & done. Run country my way!
29 Dec, 2015
My campaign for president is $35,000,000 under budget, I have spent very little (and am in 1st place).Now I will spend big in Iowa/N.H./S.C.
29 Dec, 2015
My campaign for president is $35,000,000 under budget, I have spent very little (and am in 1st place). Now I will spend big in Iowa/N.H./S.C.
29 Dec, 2015
“Minorities line up behind…..Donald Trump” #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
29 Dec, 2015
I will be interviewed on the @TODAYshow at 7:00 A.M. Talking about the state of the race for president, and more. Enjoy!
29 Dec, 2015
If Hillary thinks she can unleash her husband, with his terrible record of women abuse, while playing the women’s card on me, she’s wrong!
29 Dec, 2015
“@BillAtlantaGA: @realDonaldTrump @russgrand @JebBush agreed. You destroyed him with only $250k 43%”
29 Dec, 2015
“@LandmanMarius: @realDonaldTrump @russgrand @JebBush Word on street is that @JebBush mother is voting @realDonaldTrump” So cute!
29 Dec, 2015
.@jessebwatters is terrific at hosting on @FoxNews – he really gets it!
29 Dec, 2015
“@russgrand: @JebBush We had your brother and Father who were a disaster in us a favor and drop out in favor of @realDonaldTrump”