Trump Tweet on 12/29/15 4:31: Remember that Bill . . .
Remember that Bill Clinton was brought in to help Hillary against Obama in 2008. He was terrible, failed badly, and was called a racist!
29 Dec, 2015
Remember that Bill Clinton was brought in to help Hillary against Obama in 2008. He was terrible, failed badly, and was called a racist!
29 Dec, 2015
“@shawgerald4: @realDonaldTrump your kids all love you and so does America :] #Trump2016”
29 Dec, 2015
“@LeeMiracle3: @FoxNews @CharlesHurt @realDonaldTrump Trump listening to voters, unlike GOP”
29 Dec, 2015
“@umakemeill: @FoxNews @JebBush @HillaryClinton @realDonaldTrump”
29 Dec, 2015
“@sunquist007: @JebBush Why do u keep trying to attack Trump? Really dumb strategy! U lose, he wins! #lets make America great again!!!!!”
29 Dec, 2015
“@IJNIPGM: No casualties. Just victory, victory, and more victory as you proclaim the truth that is in your heart. We love God and USA”
29 Dec, 2015
“@BentleyforTrump: @realDonaldTrump ALL OF AMERICA LOVES TRUMP!ðŸ‘ðŸ‘☺ #TrumpOrNobody2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain” Thanks!
29 Dec, 2015
“@slone: FLASHBACK1986: @realDonaldTrump Saved a Georgia Farm” Thank you, nice memories!
29 Dec, 2015
Thank you- Nashua, New Hampshire! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 #NHPolitics #FITN
28 Dec, 2015
Thank you! #Trump2016
28 Dec, 2015
Thank you to a #Trump2016 supporter for this video of my campaign- over the past 6 months. Video:
28 Dec, 2015
Thank you Nashua, New Hampshire! I had a great evening with all of you! It is great to see how the VOTERS will determine our next POTUS- and NOT the media! Have a great...
28 Dec, 2015
Thank you to a supporter- for this video on my campaign over the past 6 months.
28 Dec, 2015
Strange, but I see wacko Bernie Sanders allies coming over to me because I’m lowering taxes, while he will double & triple them, a disaster!
28 Dec, 2015
Wages in are country are too low, good jobs are too few, and people have lost faith in our leaders.We need smart and strong leadership now!
28 Dec, 2015
Many of the great jobs that the people of our country want are long gone, shipped to other countries. We now are part time, sad! I WILL FIX!
28 Dec, 2015
The middle-class has worked so hard, are not getting the kind of jobs that they have long dreamed of – and no effective raise in years. BAD
28 Dec, 2015
If Hillary thinks she can unleash her husband, with his terrible record of women abuse, while playing the women’s card on me, she’s wrong!
28 Dec, 2015
Strange, but I see wacko Bernie Sanders allies coming over to me because I’m lowering taxes, while he will double & triple them, a disaster!
28 Dec, 2015
Good morning America! Great results are in from the highly respected Reuters poll. I appreciate all of your support- as we prepare for 2016! Thank you!
28 Dec, 2015
“@BornToBeGOP: @realDonaldTrump We need a real President to get things done, and that’s why we want you!” Thank you.
28 Dec, 2015
Hopefully the Republican National Committee can straighten out the total mess that is taking place in Virginia’s Republican Party. FAST!
27 Dec, 2015
Straighten out The Republican Party of Virginia before it is too late. Stupid! RNC
27 Dec, 2015
“@KevJames91: @realDonaldTrump @JebBush @ananavarro @secupp @CNN”
27 Dec, 2015
“@isabellegirlxo: @realDonaldTrump @JebBush @ananavarro @secupp @CNN Ana is an illegal who needs to be deported” No, she’s just incompetent
27 Dec, 2015
.@BernieSanders-who blew his campaign when he gave Hillary a pass on her e-mail crime, said that I feel wages in America are too high. Lie!
27 Dec, 2015
“@DavidSadler2525: @realDonaldTrump What’s going on in VA? What’s the GOP doing? They will lose the state because of the RNC!
27 Dec, 2015
Why are @JebBush flunkies @ananavarro and @secupp, two of the dumbest people in politics, always on the @CNN panels..and yet Poll:Trump 39
27 Dec, 2015
The voters the Republican Party of Virginia are excluding will doom any chance of victory. The Dems LOVE IT! Be smart and win for a change!
27 Dec, 2015
R.P.Virginia has lost statewide 7 times in a row. Will now not allow desperately needed new voters. Suicidal mistake. RNC MUST ACT NOW!
27 Dec, 2015
It begins, Republican Party of Virginia, controlled by the Republican National Committee, is working hard to disallow independent, unaffiliated and new voters. BAD!
27 Dec, 2015
It begins, Republican Party of Virginia, controlled by the RNC, is working hard to disallow independent, unaffiliated and new voters. BAD!
27 Dec, 2015
“@LegacyRealtorsJ: You will come out tops Mr Trump. You are sincere, genuine, hard working, honest and willl DO WHAT YOU PROMISE THE PEOPLE
27 Dec, 2015
“@JimVitari: @realDonaldTrump @CAC8438 we need the change Trump is going to make, not the change Obama did by ruining the country”
27 Dec, 2015
“@CAC8438: He supports amnesty and now they are so desperate that Trey Gowdy is going to campaign with him.
27 Dec, 2015
“@mitchellvii: Face it, Trey Gowdy failed miserably on Benghazi. He allowed it to drag out and in the end, let Hillary get away with murder.
27 Dec, 2015
“@mitchellvii: My prediction on the Trey Gowdy endorsement of Rubio is that it will do nothing for Rubio and finish Gowdy.”
27 Dec, 2015
“@Sir_Max: andreajmarkley: Rubio finally gets an endorsement – from #Benghazi loser Gowdy #Tcot #pjnet via dailyne
27 Dec, 2015
I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 8:00. Will be talking about Hillary and far more interesting subjects. Enjoy!
27 Dec, 2015
Good morning America! Remember- I will do far more for women than Hillary, and I will keep our country safe, something which she will not be able to do-no strength/stamina!
27 Dec, 2015
I will do far more for women than Hillary, and I will keep our country safe, something which she will not be able to do-no strength/stamina!
27 Dec, 2015
Thank you! #Trump2016
27 Dec, 2015
Hillary Clinton has announced that she is letting her husband out to campaign but HE’S DEMONSTRATED A PENCHANT FOR SEXISM, so inappropriate!
26 Dec, 2015
“@greta: If the insurance companies are making lots of money and the # of uninsured is still large,Obamacare is a failure since so expensive
26 Dec, 2015
A new terror warning was issued for European cties. At what point do we say we have had enough and get really tough and smart. Weak leaders!
26 Dec, 2015
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 Story:
26 Dec, 2015
Criminal deportations in the U.S. are the lowest number in many years. We are letting criminals knowingly stay in our country. MUST CHANGE!
26 Dec, 2015
Criminal deportations in the U.S. are the lowest number in many years. We are letting criminals knowingly stay in our country. MUST CHANGE!
26 Dec, 2015
The Phoenix V.A., it has just been reported, is in worse shape than ever before. The wait is horrendous, and people are dying. I will fix it