Donald Trump on Facebook: Thank you for all of . . .
Thank you for all of your support! I thought you would enjoy this story from today’s Atlanta Journal Constitution. #Trump2016
26 Dec, 2015
Thank you for all of your support! I thought you would enjoy this story from today’s Atlanta Journal Constitution. #Trump2016
26 Dec, 2015
The same people that said I wouldn’t run, or that I wouldn’t lead or do well (1st place and leading by 21%), now say I won’t beat Hillary.
25 Dec, 2015
The same people that said I wouldn’t run, or that I wouldn’t lead or do well (1st place and leading by 21%), now say I won’t beat Hillary.
25 Dec, 2015
.@chucktodd is so dishonest in his reporting…and to think he was going off the air until I came along-no ratings. I will beat Hillary!
25 Dec, 2015
@CNN just announced that TRUMP was #1 story of 2015. Totally meaningless, however, if we don’t WIN IT ALL and Make America Great Again!
25 Dec, 2015
“@deedeegop: Thank u Mr. Trump, I look forward to when u are elected next President of the United States #MakeAmericaGreatAgain. So nice!
25 Dec, 2015
“@JodiL792: You know what’s making my Christmas Great, Family/food/friends&YOU! I HAVE MY TRUMP SHIRT ON W/HOPE IN MY HEART for America”
25 Dec, 2015
“@Jacobsac2015: @FoxNews Thank you for your tweet today on Christmas. Can’t wait to see you as President, Mr. Trump. You are awesome.”
25 Dec, 2015
“@ClassySnobbb: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews I’m reading #CrippledAmerica! Best book ever. Thank you!
25 Dec, 2015
When will the Democrats, and Hillary in particular, say “we must build a wall, a great wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it?” Never!
25 Dec, 2015
Our great VETERANS are being treated very badly because of corruption and incompetence at the V.A. That will stop, I will fix this quickly!
25 Dec, 2015
Remember when failed candidate @JebBush said that illegals came across the border as AN ACT OF LOVE? He’s spent $59 million and is at 3%.
25 Dec, 2015
We have many problems in our house (country!), and we need to fix them before we let visitors come over and stay. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
25 Dec, 2015
Does everyone see that the Democrats and President Obama are now, because of me, starting to deport people who are here illegally. Politics!
25 Dec, 2015
.@deedeesorvino was GREAT today on @FoxNews She gets what is going on in politics, and sees it very clearly. Have her on more!
25 Dec, 2015
Merry Christmas to all. Have a great day and have a really amazing year. Together, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! It will be done!
25 Dec, 2015
Merry Christmas to all. Have a great day and have a really amazing year. Together, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! It will be done!
25 Dec, 2015
.@danielhalper Great job on @CNN today. Very wise indeed!
25 Dec, 2015
.@HallieJackson Why didn’t you report Hillary lying about the ISIS video. Bad reporting. Perhaps @NBC will do better next year-but doubt it!
25 Dec, 2015
“@YesMrGilbert: @NBCNightlyNews @HallieJackson should have talked to Megyn Kelly about this story” True, a total distortion of the facts!
24 Dec, 2015
I am now in Palm Beach, Florida, and will be going to church tonight. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
24 Dec, 2015
.@meetthepress and @chucktodd very dishonest in not showing the new @CNN Poll where I am at 39%, 21points higher than Cruz. Be honest Chuck!
24 Dec, 2015
Why isn’t @chucktodd using the much newer @CNN Poll when discussing how well I am doing instead of the older Q Poll? CNN even better!
24 Dec, 2015
Wow, because of the pressure put on by me, ICE TO LAUNCH LARGE SCALE DEPORTATION RAIDS. It’s about time!
24 Dec, 2015
Next year will be an interesting one. I look forward to running against Hillary Clinton, a totally flawed candidate, and beating her soundly
24 Dec, 2015
Third rate reporters Amy Chozick and Maggie Haberman of the failing @nytimes are totally in the Hillary circle of bias. Think about Bill!
24 Dec, 2015
Wow, even lowly Rand Paul has just past @JebBush in the new @CNN Poll. Jeb is at 3%, I’m at 39%. Stop throwing your money down the drain!
24 Dec, 2015
In the ridiculous @JebBush ad about me, Jeb is speaking to me during the debate, but doesn’t allow my answer, which destroys him – SO SAD!
24 Dec, 2015
Poor @JebBush spent $50 million on his campaign, I spent almost nothing. He’s bottom (and gone), I’m top (by a lot). That’s what U.S. needs!
24 Dec, 2015
“@classyexplorer: @gatewaypundit Jim you fail to mention in your CNN POLL that in the GOP RACE…Trump is leading Cruz 39 to 18…Big Detail
24 Dec, 2015
A great Christmas movie & perfect #TBT! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Story:
24 Dec, 2015
I am now in Palm Beach, Florida, and will be going to church tonight. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
24 Dec, 2015
“@ihatematt: @realDonaldTrump why is Hillary even allowed to run… She’s a criminal.”
24 Dec, 2015
Donald Trump’s Greatest Christmas Movie: Home Alone 2! #TBT
24 Dec, 2015
GOOD MORNING AMERICA! I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the past 6 months. The new CNN/ORC poll is out & WE are doing great! This is about...
24 Dec, 2015
“@ihatematt: @realDonaldTrump why is Hillary even allowed to run… She’s a criminal.” Good question!
24 Dec, 2015
Hillary said “I really deplore the tone and inflammatory rhetoric of his campaign.” I deplore the death and destruction she caused-stupidity
24 Dec, 2015
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
23 Dec, 2015
Hillary, when you complain about “a penchant for sexism,” who are you referring to. I have great respect for women. BE CAREFUL!
23 Dec, 2015
It is hard to believe I am winning by so much when I am treated so badly by the media. New @CNN Poll amazing in ALL categories. 21 pt. Lead
23 Dec, 2015
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!
23 Dec, 2015
Why does @FoxNews give @KarlRove so much airtime. He (and other Fox pundits) is so biased. Still thinks Romney won. Unfair coverage of Trump
23 Dec, 2015
.@FoxNews treats me so badly. Using old Quinnipiac Poll where I have a much smaller lead than the just out @CNN Poll. All negative!
23 Dec, 2015
The @washingtonpost, which is the lobbyist (power) for not imposing taxes on #Amazon, today did a nasty cartoon attacking @tedcruz kids. Bad
23 Dec, 2015
The silent majority- is silent no more! Remember the importance of VOTING! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
23 Dec, 2015
The Hillary Clinton staged event yesterday was pathetic. Be careful Hillary as you play the war on women or women being degraded card.
23 Dec, 2015
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
23 Dec, 2015
Thank you America! Together- we will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
23 Dec, 2015
Big news just out – NEW @CNN POLL TRUMP 39 and leads in every major category. Likeability way up. CRUZ 18 CARSON 10 RUBIO 10