Trump Tweet on 12/21/15 12:52: Just out: TRUMP GOP . . .
Just out: TRUMP GOP DEBATE – 18,000,000. CLINTON DEMOCRAT DEBATE – 6,700,000. And they were on major network vs. cable!
21 Dec, 2015
Just out: TRUMP GOP DEBATE – 18,000,000. CLINTON DEMOCRAT DEBATE – 6,700,000. And they were on major network vs. cable!
21 Dec, 2015
Very sad what happened last night at the Miss Universe Pageant. I sold it 6 months ago for a record price. This would never have happened!
21 Dec, 2015
Hillary said with respect to ISIS, “we are finally where we need to be.” Do we want 4 more years of incompetent leadership? MAGA!
21 Dec, 2015
I demand an apology from Hillary Clinton for the disgusting story she made up about me for purposes of the debate. There never was a video.
21 Dec, 2015
Hillary said at debate ISIS is “going to people showing videos in order to recruit more radical jihadistst.” She made up story-want apology!
21 Dec, 2015
Very sad what happened last night at the Miss Universe Pageant. I sold it 6 months ago for a record price. This would never have happened!
21 Dec, 2015
“@msully65: Tell this knitwit @SpeakerRyan, the ppl want @realDonaldTrump, not him or his choice for President! Thts why Trump has 40%”
21 Dec, 2015
Hillary Clinton spokesperson admitted that there was no ISIS video of me. Therefore, Hillary LIED at the debate on Saturday night. SAD!
21 Dec, 2015
“@drdoucette: #MissUniverse DonaldTrump must be overjoyed that as soon as he sells the pageant it goes off the rails. We need you Mr Trump
21 Dec, 2015
.@JebBush today said he didn’t want to be the front-runner, he would rather be where he is now, 2%. That is the talk of a loser, can’t win!
21 Dec, 2015
Great poll out of Illinois! Thank you! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
21 Dec, 2015
“@Themyamccurry: Where’s @realDonaldTrump when you need em? #MissUniverse2015”
21 Dec, 2015
.@MissUniverse final 3 on now. Great people, great new owner @IMG. WATCH.
21 Dec, 2015
My friend, @AriEmanuel of @IMG, bought the Miss Universe pageants from me and they are on tonight on #Fox! Tune in!
20 Dec, 2015
Jeb Bush today said he didn’t want to be the front-runner, he would rather be where he is now, 2%. That is the talk of a loser, can’t win!
20 Dec, 2015
It was really strange when Hillary was missing from the podium last night. Not very presidential!
20 Dec, 2015
Hillary Clinton spokesperson admitted that their was no ISIS video of me. Therefore, Hillary LIED at the debate last night. SAD!
20 Dec, 2015
.@JebBush was terrible on Face The Nation today. Being at 2% and falling seems to have totally affected his confidence. A basket case!
20 Dec, 2015
We need a #POTUS with great strength & stamina. Hillary does not have that. #Trump2016
20 Dec, 2015
It was really strange when Hillary was missing from the podium last night. Not very presidential!
20 Dec, 2015
RT @Deadline: Donald Trump & Barbara Walters Ratings Thump Barack Obama On ‘Bear Grylls’
20 Dec, 2015
I think my words represent toughness and strength. Hillary’s not strength. Hillary’s weak, frankly, she’s got no stamina, she’s got nothing. Hillary couldn’t even get back on the stage last night. Nobody even knows...
20 Dec, 2015
“@blueeyd2020: @JebBush reminds me now of @BobbyJindal but no one cares Jeb! You lost your chance. #Trump2016 @realDonaldTrump”
20 Dec, 2015
Hillary Clinton lied when she said that “ISIS is using video of Donald Trump as a recruiting tool.” This was fact checked by Fox News: FALSE
20 Dec, 2015
Hillary Clinton lied when she said that “ISIS is using video of Donald Trump as a recruiting tool.” This was fact checked by @FoxNews: FALSE
20 Dec, 2015
“@AniesiODaniels: #DemDebate Q: Who are you voting for in 2016. A: #Trump! Donald Trump! Donald Trump!. #Trump2016”
20 Dec, 2015
“@constant4change: Trump tops Dem candidates on Google before Dem debate”
20 Dec, 2015
Good Sunday morning! A NEW Morning Consult poll is out. We are #1 at 36%! Let’s keep up the momentum and #MakeAmericaGreatAgain. Thank you for your continued support – as we make history together....
20 Dec, 2015
“@autumnandews08: @realDonaldTrump @jonkarl Hillary is so worried because she knows you will take her out! #TrumpRocksAmerica”
20 Dec, 2015
“@DomineekSmith: @realDonaldTrump is the best Republican presidential candidate of all time.” Thank you.
20 Dec, 2015
“@Sharp_Trident: @TheRealRyder Trump is looking like the next POTUS, especially after watching the #DemDebate that had no substance.”
20 Dec, 2015
“@TheRealRyder: You are a blessing to America, Mr. Trump. Thank you for all you are doing! #VoteTrump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain”
19 Dec, 2015
George Stephanopoulos stupidly believes that Hillary Clinton wants to run against me because she said so. She says that so people believe it – opposite! I will be her worst nightmare!
19 Dec, 2015
President Obama spends so much time speaking of the so-called Carbon footprint, and yet he flies all the way to Hawaii on a massive old 747.
19 Dec, 2015
THANK YOU CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA! I had a great afternoon with everyone! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
19 Dec, 2015
See, Sanders backed Hillary on E-mails at the debate, hurting himself, and then she threw him under the bus (but failed). Disloyal person!
19 Dec, 2015
Good Saturday morning America! Fox News released their post-debate poll. We are at 39% (+11% from previous) – thank you! I am preparing for my trip to Iowa today. Really looking forward to it!...
18 Dec, 2015
Weak & ineffective Jeb Bush is doing ads where he shows his statement in the debate but not my response. False advertising!
18 Dec, 2015
18 Dec, 2015
As I have been saying – only the beginning. We need to protect our homeland!
18 Dec, 2015
I have been saying it from the beginning! The refugee situation is getting worse – as each week passes. ISIS is infiltrating the Syrian refugee program- while we have a President who cannot even...
17 Dec, 2015
ISIS is making $400M per year off of oil. I have been saying for years we need to bomb the oil!
17 Dec, 2015
You do not want to miss Barbara Walters 10 Most Fascinating People of 2015 tonight at 9:30pmE on ABC! ENJOY!
17 Dec, 2015
There is no question that I will handle the threat of terrorism better than ANY candidate running for President of the United States of America! #Trump2016
17 Dec, 2015
GOOD AFTERNOON AMERICA! Christmas is going to be here before we know it! Some GREAT new #Trump2016 gear in the store! It is time to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Together, we will do it!...
17 Dec, 2015
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will be in Cedar Rapids,IA this Saturday. Get your tickets-
17 Dec, 2015
It has been a very busy 6 months – since I announced that I was running for President of the United States of America. It was nice to join Jimmy Kimmel Live last night....
17 Dec, 2015
I appreciate the support of Wayne Newton! “Mr. Las Vegas” joined me at the #GOPDebate on Tuesday evening.