Donald Trump on Facebook: California shooting . . .
California shooting looks very bad. Good luck to law enforcement and God bless. This is when our police are so appreciated!
2 Dec, 2015
California shooting looks very bad. Good luck to law enforcement and God bless. This is when our police are so appreciated!
2 Dec, 2015
Thank you CBS & Breitbart-total vindication! Will the mainstream media apologize? Many, many witnesses. #Trump2016
2 Dec, 2015
Watch the replay of Live with the Donald. Will be live again next week!
2 Dec, 2015
Join me at 2:00pmEST today – live from Trump Tower – via Facebook & Periscope!
2 Dec, 2015
I had a great time up in Waterville Valley, New Hampshire last night! Thank you for the support! I am proud to share these poll numbers – as without you – they would not...
2 Dec, 2015
Order signed copy of CRIPPLED AMERICA & submit a question for my live streaming book signing on 12/3 at 7:30 pm.
1 Dec, 2015
9/11 NYC Mayor & NYPD Commissioner Confirm via @OANN.
1 Dec, 2015
I will NOT let America down! Thank you for your continued support of my presidential campaign. Together, we can all #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! #Trump2016
1 Dec, 2015
Look at the editorial I was just sent from the New York Post on 9/14/01 – 3 days after collapse of WTC. Any apologies?
1 Dec, 2015
“We must secure our borders and return those who came here illegally to their native lands.” Jamiel Shaw Sr.
30 Nov, 2015
“˜The Liberal Media’ Doesn’t Know The Real Trump. #Trump2016
30 Nov, 2015
We better be vigilant, careful, and strong.
29 Nov, 2015
#1 problem facing U.S. today & #1 presidential candidate to deal with it. #Trump2016
29 Nov, 2015
After my meeting with the pastors tomorrow – it’s off to Georgia for a big rally – many thousands of great people will be there, a beautiful movement!
29 Nov, 2015
The Sarasota, Florida, rally yesterday was amazing. 12,000 people chanting their love for our country. It’s going to happen, this is a MOVEMENT!
29 Nov, 2015
CNN has to do better reporting if it wants to keep up with the crowd.So totally one-sided and biased against me that it is becoming boring!
28 Nov, 2015
Sarasota was an unbelievable success. We expected 5,000, a record, but 12,000 showed up! Great love in the air! Thanks!
28 Nov, 2015
We boarded the helicopter for Sarasota, Florida – earlier & will be landing soon! See you there. #Trump2016
28 Nov, 2015
Virtually no-one has spent more money in helping the American people with disabilities than me. Will discuss today at my speech in Sarasota.
27 Nov, 2015
Classmates discuss what I was like – back in my school days. #Trump2016
27 Nov, 2015
IPSOS/REUTERS “¢ Thank You America! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
27 Nov, 2015
Good morning America! Go out there and make some great deals today – just like I will do as your President! Thank you for all of your support. #Trump2016
26 Nov, 2015
With poll numbers like this – we will all #MakeAmericaGreatAgain real soon! Thank you #TrumpTrain!
26 Nov, 2015
A great article to share with family & friends over Thanksgiving dinner tonight. I am thankful to all of my supporters out there! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
26 Nov, 2015
Happy Thanksgiving to all. Have a great day and look forward to the future. We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
25 Nov, 2015
25 Nov, 2015
Thank you for all of your support America! Results like these show that the media will not determine who our next President of the United States will be! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
25 Nov, 2015
From South Carolina last night- this is what I call a real supporter! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
24 Nov, 2015
THANK YOU for your support this evening Myrtle Beach, South Carolina! My family and I had a fabulous time with you this evening. Together we will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
24 Nov, 2015
A fun time with a great crowd of 14,000 in Ohio last night. They know who will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! I am now on the way to South Carolina for another special evening. Lots to discuss!
24 Nov, 2015
Brad Paisley came up to see me. A really nice and talented guy.
24 Nov, 2015
Hillary Clinton is weak on illegal immigration, among many other things. She is strong on corruption – corruption is what she’s best at!
23 Nov, 2015
Via Washington Post 9/18/01. I want an apology! Many people have tweeted that I am right! See full article-
23 Nov, 2015
Hillary, there is nothing to laugh about.
22 Nov, 2015
Thank you for all of your support America! I will NOT let you down. Together we can #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
22 Nov, 2015
13 Syrian refugees were caught trying to get into the U.S. through the Southern Border. How many made it? WE NEED THE WALL!
22 Nov, 2015
We better get tough with RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS, and get tough now, or the life and safety of our wonderful country will be in jeopardy!
22 Nov, 2015
Great poll numbers all over and beating Hillary Clinton one on one. Thank you!
21 Nov, 2015
Thank you to all law enforcement agencies for a fabulous job!
21 Nov, 2015
The legendary Barbara Walters interviewed my family(and me) last night on ABC 20/20. Watch the full episode here-
21 Nov, 2015
Hillary Clinton is weak on illegal immigration & totally incompetent as a manager and leader – no strength or stamina to be President of the United States of America!
20 Nov, 2015
My family has the honor of being interviewed for a full hour by the legendary Barbara Walters tonight at 10PM on ABC 20/20.
20 Nov, 2015
I didn’t suggest a database- a reporter did. We must defeat Islamic terrorism & have surveillance, including a watch list, to protect America
20 Nov, 2015
Under our President, ISIS is gaining great strength.
20 Nov, 2015
The American people will decide on our next President of the United States of America! Not the media – not special interests – not super PACs!
20 Nov, 2015
The media must immediately stop calling ISIS leaders “MASTERMINDS.” Call them instead thugs and losers. Young people must not go into ISIS!
19 Nov, 2015
A great evening in Iowa! We will #BuildTheWall & Mexico will pay for it!
19 Nov, 2015
I told you so! UnitedHealthcare issues warning. I will repeal #ObamaCare!