Donald Trump on Facebook: Join me today, Nov 3rd, . . .
Join me today, Nov 3rd, in Trump Tower New York at noon. I’ll be signing copies of my new book CRIPPLED AMERICA. Don’t miss it!
3 Nov, 2015
Join me today, Nov 3rd, in Trump Tower New York at noon. I’ll be signing copies of my new book CRIPPLED AMERICA. Don’t miss it!
2 Nov, 2015
Join me tomorrow, Nov. 3rd, at 12pm in Trump Tower New York. I’ll be signing copies of my new book CRIPPLED AMERICA. Don’t miss it!
2 Nov, 2015
My interview with Mark Halperin and John Heilemann at Wollman Rink airing at 5PM on Bloomberg Politics.
2 Nov, 2015
Megyn Kelly used this poll (nobody else did) when I was down””wonder if she’ll use it now that I’m up?
1 Nov, 2015
Now that Iran ripped us off by making one of the best deals of any kind in history, they have just moved to block any imports from the U.S.
31 Oct, 2015
Just left Virginia where I unveiled my healthcare and other plans for our great Veterans! They will be very happy!
31 Oct, 2015
I see Marco Rubio just landed another billionaire to give big money to his Superpac, which are total scams. Marco must address him as “SIR”!
30 Oct, 2015
Happy Birthday to my wonderful daughter, Ivanka Trump.
30 Oct, 2015
Happy Birthday to my friend Gary Player- one of the truly great golf champions of all time. He looks many years younger than his actual age.
30 Oct, 2015
Join me Tuesday, November 3rd at 12PM in Trump Tower New York. I’ll be signing copies of my new book CRIPPLED AMERICA. Don’t miss it!
29 Oct, 2015
Thank you to everybody for your wonderful comments on my debate performance – it was a lot of fun! Today I will be speaking in Reno, Nevada.
28 Oct, 2015
Thanks everyone, they all said I won the #CNBCGOPdebate. Even won the CNBC Poll!
28 Oct, 2015
The Economist Poll, one of the most highly respected, was just released. Wow, wait until the media digests these numbers – won’t be happy!
28 Oct, 2015
After a great evening and packed auditorium in Iowa, I am now in Colorado looking forward to what I am sure will be a very unfair #GOPdebate!
27 Oct, 2015
Thank you Iowa! Great night— see you soon! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
26 Oct, 2015
All Presidential candidates should immediately disavow their Super PAC’s. They’re not only breaking the spirit of the law but the law itself
26 Oct, 2015
#TrumpTODAY Watch my appearance on The Today Show from this morning.
25 Oct, 2015
An aerial shot of Jacksonville crowd yesterday! I may as well show you because the media won’t.
25 Oct, 2015
CBS News Poll – WOW! New Hampshire TRUMP 38% CARSON 12% BUSH 8% South Carolina TRUMP 40% CARSON 23% CRUZ 8% Iowa TRUMP 27% CARSON 27%
24 Oct, 2015
Jeb Bush is slashing campaign salaries, people making millions. If he can’t manage his campaign, how can he manage our countries finances?
24 Oct, 2015
Saying goodbye to some of my great workers at Trump National Doral Miami.
23 Oct, 2015
I am self-funding my campaign and therefore I will not be controlled by the donors, special interests and lobbyists who have corrupted our politics and politicians for far too long. I have disavowed all...
21 Oct, 2015
I think Joe Biden made correct decision for him & his family. Personally, I would rather run against Hillary because her record is so bad.
21 Oct, 2015
The great workers who just completed the skylight at Trump International Hotel, D.C. (Old Post Office)
20 Oct, 2015
Bill Clinton wants to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
19 Oct, 2015
Jeb is fighting to defend a catastrophic event. I am fighting to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Jeb is too soft- we need tougher & sharper.
18 Oct, 2015
Jeb, why did your brother attack and destabalize the Middle East by attacking Iraq when there were no weapons of mass destruction? Bad info?
17 Oct, 2015
Hillary Clinton is on the front page of The New York Times waving to 200 people in New Hampshire. My crowd next door was 5,000 people – no pic!
16 Oct, 2015
#FlashbackFriday With my wonderful father Fred at my graduation from the Wharton School of Finance.
16 Oct, 2015
CNBC has just agreed that the debate will be TWO HOURS. Fantastic news for all, especially the millions of people who will be watching!
15 Oct, 2015
The GOP should not agree to the ridiculous debate terms that CNBC is asking unless there is a major benefit to the party. CNBC is pushing the GOP around by asking for extra time...
14 Oct, 2015
Incredible crowd in Richmond, Virginia tonight! So much spirit and energy! #makeamericagreatagain
14 Oct, 2015
The debate last night proved that Hillary is running against the “B” team. She won’t be so lucky when it comes to me!
14 Oct, 2015
We need a strong leader- and fast!
13 Oct, 2015
Check out OAN and compare to what you are watching now! #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
Wow, I am giving a speech on OAN. Much more exciting than debate! #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
Notice that illegal immigrants will be given ObamaCare and free college tuition but nothing has been mentioned about our VETERANS #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
Sanders said only black lives matter – wow! Hillary did not answer question! #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
This is not a great debate – a little sad! #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
Sorry, there is no STAR on the stage tonight! #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
Good move by Bernie S. #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
The hardest thing Clinton has to do is defend her bad decision making including Iraq vote, e-mails etc. #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
All are very scripted and rehearsed, two (at least) should not be on the stage. #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
Who is winning the debate so far (just last name)? #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
O’Malley, as former Mayor of Baltimore, has very little chance. #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
Can anyone imagine Chafee as president? No way. #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
The trade deal is a disaster, she was always for it! #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
Get rid of all of these commercials. #DemDebate