Donald Trump on Facebook: Putin is not feeling too . . .
Putin is not feeling too nervous or scared. #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
Putin is not feeling too nervous or scared. #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
We will all have fun and hopefully learn something tonight. I will shoot straight and call it as I see it, both the good and the bad. Enjoy! #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
Should be interesting but too bad the three guys at《1% will be taking up so much time – but who knows, maybe a star will be born (unlikely) #DemDebate
13 Oct, 2015
I will be hosting Saturday Night Live on November 7th. Looking forward to it!
13 Oct, 2015
How can Jeb Bush expect to deal with China, Russia and Iran if he gets caught doing a “plant” during my speech yesterday in NH?
13 Oct, 2015
At the request of many, and even though I expect it to be a very boring two hours, I will be covering the #DemDebate live on Facebook!
12 Oct, 2015
Watch my interview with Sean Hannity from earlier tonight-
11 Oct, 2015
President Obama was terrible on 60 Minutes tonight. He said CLIMATE CHANGE is the most important thing, not all of the current disasters!
10 Oct, 2015
Thank you Georgia! I had a great afternoon with all of you! I will be back soon. #MakeAmerciaGreatAgain
9 Oct, 2015
I will be going to Atlanta, Georgia tomorrow. Hope to see you there! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
8 Oct, 2015
Just leaving Las Vegas. Unbelievable crowd! Many Hispanics who love me and I love them!
8 Oct, 2015
Great, Kevin McCarthy drops out of SPEAKER race. We need a really smart and really tough person to take over this very important job!
8 Oct, 2015
I’m at Trump International Hotel Las Vegas, tallest/most beautiful building in town. Speaking to another great crowd at Treasure Island at 12PM.
8 Oct, 2015
Wacky Glenn Beck who always seems to be crying (worse than Boehner) speaks badly of me only because I refuse to do his show- a real nut job! I hear Glenn Beck is in...
7 Oct, 2015
Ben Carson was speaking in general terms as to what he would do if confronted with a gunman, and was not criticizing the victims. Not fair!
6 Oct, 2015
I will be on Special Report with Bret Baier tonight at 6PM.
5 Oct, 2015
So, so, so important – MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
4 Oct, 2015
I’m leading by big margins in every poll but the press keeps asking, would you ever get out? They are just troublemakers, I’m going to win!
3 Oct, 2015
Just leaving Nashville,Tennessee. Had a great time with a fabulous crowd of people! Love Nashville — back soon! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
2 Oct, 2015
Will be in Nashville, Tennessee, tomorrow (Saturday) at 2:30 P.M. So much to talk about – see you there!
1 Oct, 2015
My warmest condolences to the families of the horrible Roseburg, Oregon, shootings.
1 Oct, 2015
Behind the scenes of photoshoot.
30 Sep, 2015
Interesting, polls on who won the GOP debate.
30 Sep, 2015
With Willie Robertson, a great guy, at our 20,000 people event in Oklahoma last week.
29 Sep, 2015
Prediction: Rand Paul has been driven out of the race by my statements about him– he will announce soon. 1%!
28 Sep, 2015
Do you believe this – Iran wants to trade our 3 prisoners (not 4) for 19 prisoners held by the U.S. Should have been let go with last deal!
28 Sep, 2015
I know you will enjoy reading my tax plan. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
28 Sep, 2015
Looking forward to press conference on taxes at 11AM at Trump Tower New York. Watch live on this page at 11AM!
27 Sep, 2015
I will be on 60 Minutes tonight. A great honor– hope you enjoy it.
25 Sep, 2015
An updated POLL tracker (with all polls thru the weekend) reveals I maintained a double digit lead at 34.8%. Not only that, my poll #’s are double that of 2nd place candidate. #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
25 Sep, 2015
Marco Rubio is weak on illegal immigration and will allow anyone into the country. Has worst attendance record in Senate- rarely there to vote on a bill!
25 Sep, 2015
Great reception in D.C. At the Values Voter Summit. Now checking on my job at the Old Post Office! Ahead of schedule and under budget! Will be in Oklahoma tonight!
24 Sep, 2015
Dishonest The New York Times reporter Jonathan Martin refused to acknowledge massive crowd surge forward during my speech in South Carolina. Liar! Yesterday was an amazing day in South Carolina. The crowds and enthusiasm...
24 Sep, 2015
So happy about my daughter Ivanka Trump’s announcement that she will be having a baby this spring. Congratulations!
23 Sep, 2015
Fox News has been treating me very unfairly & I have therefore decided that I won’t be doing any more Fox shows for the foreseeable future.
23 Sep, 2015
Yogi Berra was not only a great baseball player, he was a great guy. Yogi will be missed.
22 Sep, 2015
I will be doing The Late Show with Stephen Colbert at 11:30 on CBS. Enjoy!
22 Sep, 2015
I think Megyn Kelly should take another eleven day “unscheduled” vacation.
22 Sep, 2015
Senator Marco “amnesty” Rubio, who has worst voting record in Senate, just hit me on national security- but I said don’t go into Iraq. VISION
22 Sep, 2015
Yom Kippur blessings to all of my friends in Israel and around the world. #YomKippur
22 Sep, 2015
I will be on the The Late Show with Stephen Colbert tonight at 11:30.
21 Sep, 2015
I got to know Scott Walker well- he’s a very nice person and has a great future.
21 Sep, 2015
Jeb has been confused for forty years…
20 Sep, 2015
Carly Fiorina did such a horrible job at Lucent and HP, virtually destroying both companies, that she never got another CEO job offer! Pres.
20 Sep, 2015
I am attracting the biggest crowds, by far, and the best poll numbers, also by far. Much of the media is totally dishonest. So sad!
19 Sep, 2015
Christians need support in our country (and around the world), their religious liberty is at stake! Obama has been horrible, I will be great.
19 Sep, 2015
If someone made a nasty or controversial statement about me to the President, do you really think he would come to my rescue? No chance! If I would have challenged the man, the media...
19 Sep, 2015
This is the first time in my life that I have caused controversy by NOT saying something.