Donald Trump on Facebook: Thank you Today Show for . . .
Thank you Today Show for the wonderful and honest poll results on Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago sign. People love it!
13 Jun, 2014
Thank you Today Show for the wonderful and honest poll results on Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago sign. People love it!
12 Jun, 2014
#TBT With my father, Fred Trump, in Brooklyn,1975. A great Father’s Day gift””a stay at my 5 star hotel @TrumpNewYork along with items from my signature collection
12 Jun, 2014
Iraq told us to get out, Iraq is now falling, and Iraq now wants us to come back! Don’t do it unless we get the OIL, and I mean ALL OF IT!
11 Jun, 2014
Someone just asked me, who is my favorite Donald Trump impersonator?
10 Jun, 2014
Special event at Trump Vancouver
8 Jun, 2014
Tune-in to NBC tonight at 8/7c for the 2014 #MissUSA Competition LIVE from Baton Rouge.
6 Jun, 2014
Thank you to the greatest heroes. #DDay70 #WWII
6 Jun, 2014
Happy 30th birthday #Ghostbusters! It was great to have Trump Tower be a part of the series.
6 Jun, 2014
Obama is, without question, the WORST EVER president. I predict he will now do something really bad and totally stupid to show manhood!
6 Jun, 2014
Only you can #SavetheQueen during the LIVE telecast of #MissUSA on June 8 at 8/7c on NBC. Click for more info:
5 Jun, 2014
#TBT A picture of my fantastic father and myself. Best teacher in the world! A great Father’s Day gift””a stay at my 5 star hotel @TrumpNewYork along with items from my signature collection
4 Jun, 2014
Amazing view of Trump National Golf Club, Los Angeles.
3 Jun, 2014
President said we would never leave a soldier behind. How about the 4 who died in Benghazi?
30 May, 2014
Snowden is a traitor and a disgrace. Make no mistake, he is no hero. In fact he is a coward who should come back & face justice.
29 May, 2014
#TBT Here I am with Gwen Stefani and Donald Trump Jr.
28 May, 2014
Watch my speech from the National Press Club luncheon yesterday-
23 May, 2014
The Obama administration gives better medical care to Al Qaeda at Gitmo than to our vets.
21 May, 2014
Just returned from Ireland, Scotland and Dubai. Amazing trip, great places–but always good to be back.
20 May, 2014
Entrepreneurs: See yourself as victorious– and the best way to be victorious is to be passionate. Find something you love doing!
19 May, 2014
Hitting the first ball at Trump International Dubai, 272 right down the middle.
16 May, 2014
I am in Scotland checking on my developments in Aberdeen and Turnberry. Just left Ireland, property will be great. ALWAYS CHECKING!
15 May, 2014
Advice from my father, Fred C. Trump: “Know everything you can about what you’re doing.”
14 May, 2014
Be a cautious optimist. Call it positive thinking with a lot of reality checks.
9 May, 2014
A rare case where the U.S. should help-
6 May, 2014
The road to success is always under construction. — Arnold Palmer.
5 May, 2014
Congrats to Barack Obama on April’s job report. Over 800,000 left the work force with average hourly wages & weekly hours staying flat. Bad!
2 May, 2014
#FlashbackFriday At Military Academy- second from left.
1 May, 2014
Announced with PGA of America that we will bring Sr. PGA Championship to Trump National DC & the PGA Championship to Trump National Golf Club Bedminster.
29 Apr, 2014
It is amazing that after lambasting Donald Sterling on Fox and Friends, some DISHONEST press only reported my GIRLFRIEND FROM HELL statement! Just to show you how dishonest certain reporters are, here is my...
28 Apr, 2014
Putin has shown the world what happens when America has weak leaders. Peace Through Strength!
25 Apr, 2014
We allow Japan to sell us millions of cars with zero import tax and we can’t make a trade deal with them – our country is in big trouble!
24 Apr, 2014
#TBT As a young man when I proposed the Convention Center in New York City.
23 Apr, 2014
Many call Trump International Golf Links “The World’s Greatest Golf Course”, now you can see why.
21 Apr, 2014
A storied franchise with a loyal fanbase, Buffalo Bills should remain in Buffalo.
18 Apr, 2014
#FlashbackFriday With Rudy Giuliani at Trump National Golf Club Westchester
16 Apr, 2014
I pick the best locations- Trump National Golf Club Charlotte has incredible views of beautiful Lake Norman.
15 Apr, 2014
Remember, negotiations are fluid. Remain calm and don’t settle easily. If you have the goods, you will ultimately win.
14 Apr, 2014
Obama lied when he said “you can keep your plan,” so why would anyone believe his bogus ObamaCare enrollment numbers?!
11 Apr, 2014
It’s not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what’s required. — Winston Churchill
11 Apr, 2014
#FlashbackFriday With Mickey Rooney,Regis Philbin and Tony Bennett.
10 Apr, 2014
#TBT On the stage during the Emmys performing “Green Acres” with Megan Mullally
9 Apr, 2014
“Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see.” – Arthur Schopenhauer
9 Apr, 2014
So many people don’t understand I am a big proponent of vaccines for children””just not in one massive dose””spread them out over time.
4 Apr, 2014
Neil Young- one of my favorite musicians- in my office. Photo: Justin McConney- The Trump Organization
3 Apr, 2014
I can’t believe David Letterman has announced his retirement–he is a great guy!
3 Apr, 2014
#TBT- WrestleMania 23: I shave Vince McMahon’s hair- highest rated show in WWE history.
2 Apr, 2014
Entrepreneurs: Pay attention to details. If you don’t know everything about what you’re doing, you’ll be in for some big surprises.